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Whether a book is sUll in copyright varies from country to country, and we can't offer guidance on whether any specific use of any specific book is allowed. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in Google Book Search means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Copyright infringement liabili^ can be quite severe. About Google Book Search Google's mission is to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful. Google Book Search helps readers discover the world's books while helping authors and publishers reach new audiences. You can search through the full icxi o「 ihis book on the web at[ht t"D : //booJcs . goog" 丄 e . com/] HZ w So^ann Wolfgang WDetQc 'ジ AidUUiUU GOETHE© POEMS 丄 SELECTED AND EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY CHARLES HARRIS Professor of German in Adelbert College of Western Reserve University BOSTON, U. S. A. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1899 Copyright, 1899 By D. C Heath & Co. Printed by Carl H. Hbintzsmann, Boston, Mass., U. S. A. 3 s 9 /b ヲ 'A k/W んん ふ/ PREFACE. In the preparation of this selection of the poems of Goethe, arranged in chronological order, my desire has been to furnish a commentary which shouia give the necessary explanations of words and phrases and also the history of the origin of each poem, so far as this is known. Nothing more has been attempted. No excursion has been made into the fields of aesthetics, and there is no discussion of any of the fascinating problems which arise in the study of the great master; but even within its narrow limits the book must assuredly be very imper- fect. The text is that of the Weimar edition. There are no intentional changes in the wording. In the matter of spelling and of the use of capital letters the Prussian rules, have however been followed, and the punctuation has here and there been altered slightly, commonly by the more frequent employment of the comma. Charles Harris. Cleveland, September, 1899. iii CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction xi (5ebt(^te. 1. 3n bad Stammbud^ Don grlcbrici^ SWajrimilian Tloov9 . 1 2. %n S3c^riJ(i^ 1 3. S)cr SWifant^rop 2 4. 續 (f uub Zxanm 3 € ntd)\d 3 6. S)cr 3lbf(^icb 4 © SSiafommcn unb 2lbfc^lcb ,レ 4 8. TOt clncm gematten お cmb 6 ^ SWailicb , . , , レ 6| 10. @tirbt bcr ゆ 《, (o gilt bcr お atg 8 11. S31inbc ^u^ 9 ^ $etbenr5dletn . , グ. 9 13. SigeunerUeb 10 14. S)cr SBanbrer 11 15. ©at aUee feinc 3eit 18 16. ©Ucttant unb ^rititcr 18 Qp 2)aS お d ゆ en 19 ' ® ! 5)er ^antg in St^ule 20 ' 19. ®eifle«^@rug 21 20. 2)ine jtt ^obietij 22 21. i^ag regnen, mcnn c« regnen wiU 23 (23) Sin ^d)tvagev ^rono9 、" 23 23. ©cnbfd^rcibcn ...... 25 ^ «Promct]^cu« 26 一 ^^fReue Sicbe neue9 ? cben 28 26. 3w ben Scibcn bed jungen Scrt^cr« • . , , . 29 27. luf bcm @ec 30 28. SSont お erge 30 V it vi CONTENTS. bag er am Me ticfcn 29. お uttbeSUeb . 30. 脑 き rf . . 31. 2(n cin go(bne9 $crg, 32. 3a9cr8 ^benbUeb 33* In mi , , *^ 2Banbrcr« ^^ac^tlteb ( 35^ Sarum gabU bu ims 36. SlafHofc ? icbc . 37. ©infd^rdnfung . 38. @ccfa^rt . . 39. ^offnimg ♦ 40. Sicbcbcbilrfni« . (4}) gclgcr ©cbanfcn 42.^$argr«ife im ©inter +*(i3i 3ln ben aRonb , ©rabfd^rift. . ®efang ber ®ci|lcr iiber ben SBaffcrn 47. ほ 8 njar ein fautcr @(fiafer • (4g> 28anbrcr8 ^^ad^tUeb 49. Sin ? iba . . や @ (Srlfonig , . "- \ 51. 2)ag ©bttUd^e . 52. 2)cr ©finger ♦ • C5^ 2)cr ^arfcnfplclcr , S)crfelbe 55. 3lnicnau t3ucignung iWignpn ― 'v58. 2)icfclbc に 5 あ 3)iciclbe 60. 3)em %devmam 61, お erf ゆ iebene @mpftnbungen ; 62l' @r|Ur ^evinfl • 63. ©entaltfd^ Xveihen r- 64. 级 tt ben ^ergo9 ^avi ^ugujl 65, Stmor aid ? anbfd^aft«matcr ま on etnem trug CONTENTS. vii PAGB 66. 怨 e き ttteb aunt Xan^t 78 67. Sin bie entfcrntc 79 68. おゆ erjigimg 80 l^JS^ @rinnerung 80 70. ^op^tifd|e9 5icb 80 71. @pigrantnte. SSencbig 1790 81 72. gem Don gcbilbetcn SD^enf ゆ en, am (Snbe bed ^ti(S)e9, totx り itft tn6) 84 73. S)lc @ゃ曲 84 74. S)ic S3e!e^rte 85 75. S(n bie ©rmtf^tte 85 CSSi 9^ci^e bed ©eliebten 86 77. Tleevt^ ©titte 87 78. ®mdli(i)e ga^rt 87 ^000^9, 3((eari8 unb 2)ora . . , . . . . 88 80. Xcnicn 93 81. S)er (S^inefc in ^ftom 94 82. S)cr ©c^atjgrciber 94 +83. In ©(fitter 96 84. S)er 3aubert ゆ rttiig 96 - 85, 2)cr 3unggefeII unb bcr ^^R^\had) 100 86. ^d)tt)eiievaipe 102 87. ! 5)ic iStufageten ♦ 102 88. Sill bic ©flnfligcn 104 89. grii^gettiger grii^Ung 104 90. ©d^afcrS ^(agelieb 106 9JL 2: 賴 eb 107 (92^ Sf^atur unb 虎 uttfl, fic fd^cincn fid^ ju piemen . ♦ ,109 93. $od^gettUeb 110 94. S)cr 9{attenfanger 112 95. ^crgfd^tog . . , , 113 96. Vanitas ! vanitatum vanitas ! . . . . , . 115 *- - 97. ^ep^t{lopI)eted fprit^t 117 98. aWfi ゆ tiges Ubcrrajd^cn 118 99. 3)ic tebenbe abermald 118 100. 3n bad ©tammbut^ ber ge^njia^rigen ©er ゆ a toon ? ober 119 101. Ergo bibamus ! 119 viii CONTENTS. PAGE 102. S3(untcngru6 121 103. aWailicb . . • レ 121 104. !5)ic ? uftigcn »on SBcimar 122 】05, 2)cr Sotcntanj 122 106. ©chjo^nt, get り cm 124 107. 2)ic njanbclnbc ©lotfc 126 — 4-108. ©cfunbcn 127 109. @lcid^ nnb gteid^ 128 110. @pfit crflingt, ttms frill^ crflang 128 111. tiaffcr 128 112. ®ott, ®cmftt unb SScIt . . . • •. , .128 113. iU man 9h)ten; S)ie yitutn glaubt man blan! gu わ erfhl^ti; 2)od^ ol^ne ! 3)oImetf(^ ttJirb'S audi nid^t ge^n. oO'^^Cho 1. ; 3 れ Stammbtidt von gvUbvidt Ula ぎ imitian TKIoovb^ 5ranFfurt ben 28. Jtuguji 1765. g« り at ber 9lutor, totm er fc^reibt, ©0 ettoag ®ett)t[fe«, ba さ t^n tretbt, ©en SErteb ^tf auc^ ber SHe^anber Uttb all bie §elbcn mtt emanber, ! ©rum fc^rcib' ic^ auc^ at [り ier mtc^ em : — 5 Q(t) mocf)f tttc^t gem Dcrgeffen fein. 2. Un Bel^rifd^* ! gc^ft! murre. ® ゆ! (a§ mic^ murrcn. g]^r(tcf)er JWann, J^fic^c biefe さ ganb. SEotc @Umpfe, 5 ! iDampfenbc Dftobcmcbcl SScrtDcbctt i り re 2lu«pffe ©ier Uttgertretittlic^. (Soet わ es (Sebtc^te ©cbarart ®cf)abltcf)er ^ftifeften, aW5rberf|uUe 9lm fd^ttfigtcn Ufcr giegt bte tDoIIttftigc, SlammcTiflejilnflte ©d^Iangc, ®eftreicf)clt t)om ©onnenftra^L き Ke り e fanfte Stad^tgftnge bcr 2Konbenbammcrung, Sort ^alten jutfenbc S^rotcn 3ufaTnmcnIUnfte auf ^cujiDcgcn. ©d^aben fie ntcf)t, SBcrben fic fc^retfcn. vlx6)tx 3Kann, gliel)e btefc« 8anb! 3. 5er ntifantlirop* grft fifet cr etttc ©etfe, ! Die @tim り on ©olfen fret; 9luf etnmat lommt in ®Ke ©cin ganj ®e[icf)t bcr gute aScrjcrrtcm gmftc bci. ». @ie fragen, ttmS bad fet? 8teb' obcr gangciDcilc. ^6), fie finb ,さ atle jtoet. (Soett^es (Sebtc^te 4. iStflcf un5 tZvaum« S)u ^aft un« oft im Sraum gcfc^en 3ufammen き um Slltare ge り en, Unb b ゆ ate grau unb mid) ate SWann. Oft nal^m id) m^tnh betncm SDhmbe, cittcr unbctt)ac^tcn ©tunbe, ®o り iel man ^ilffc nc^men fatuu ! Dad rcinftc ®iM, bad toxx ent^jfunbcn, ! iDte aBoCuft mand^er rctd^en ©tunben }Siof), tt)tc Me 3eit, mtt bent ®etiu§, a3a« 術 t e« mir, ba^ td^ gcnie^e ? 95Me iraume flie^n bte toannftcn ^ttffc^ Unb aHe grcubc tok em ^u§. 5. IPeci^fet* 5luf Stefcin im Sacf)e ba lieg, id^, toic l^cHc 1 SSerbreite bic 3lrme ber lommenben SBellc, Unb bu^Iertfd^ briitft fie bic f ゆ tienbe S3ruft ; ! Dann fu^rt fie bcr 8etcf)tfmn im @trome bantcber ; (S« nalft fid^ bic jtDcite, fie ftreic^ctt mic^ toieber : @o fii り I, x(f) bte tjreuben bcr toet^felnben 8uft. Unb bod^, unb fo traurtg, Derfcfjlcifft bu わ ergeben さ *I)te foftlicfjen ©tunbett be さ cilcnbcn Scben^, SSScil bid^ ba さ gcltcbtefte SWcibd^cn Dcrgigt! O, ruf fic juriidc, bic t)ortgcn 3eHett ! lu^t fid^ fo fUge bte 8i 忡 e ber 3tt)ctten, 5n さ laum fid) bic gippe ber grftcn gefUgt. (5oett{es (Sebt^te. 6. 5er Ul^fd^ie^ 8a6 tncin 5lug, ben 5lbfcf)icb fagen, S)cn metti aWunb nid^t ne り men fann! ®cf)tt)cr, ttJte fd^iDcr tft cr ju tragen ! Unb id^ bin bod) fonft tin aWatm, Jraurtg toxxb m biefcr ©tunbc ®e(bft ber gtcbe fii^tcd ^fanb, Salt bcr Slt§ t)on beinem SJhmbe, aWatt ber 35ru(f t)on beincr る anb, ©onft, etn fe ゆ t gc[to1^Ine« SIKauld^en, O, ttjte l^at e« mid^ cntgudt ! ©0 erfreuet un さ em SSettc^en, 5Da« man frill) tm aWfira gepptft. 5Docf) id^ ppde nun Icin trSnacfien, S^etne $Rofe me り r fUr bid). き rii り ling ift e さ, ttebe« griingd^cn, 5lber letber ©crbft fflr mid^! 7. IPintommen unb Ub^dticb. g さ fcf)tu0 mem ©erg, gcfd^toinb や ferbe! g さ mx get り ati, f aft e り, gebadjt ; IDer Slbcnb ttJtcgte fd^on btc 6rbe, Unb an ben Sergcn l^tng btc SRai)t: ®c^on [tanb im ^Mtkxh bie (Sid^e, Sin aufgetarmter $Rtcfe, tm, 933o き inftem お au さ bent ©eftrauc^e 2Kit ^unbcrt fd^toargen Slugen fa^. <5oeti)es (5ebid?te 5 SDcr 3Kottb Don tmm a33oIfcnf)tigct ©al^ fliigli ゆ au さ bem ! Duft l^crDor, lo 5Dic SBinbc f ゆ ttjangen leifc gliigcl, Umfauftcn f あ auerii ゆ mcin £)\)x; ! Die ゆ t fd)uf taufcnb Ungcl^cuer ; 5Dod^ frif ゆ unb friJl^li ゆ ttjar mcin Tint: Sn meinen 2lbcm tot\6jt^ き euer! 巧 Sn metnem ©erjen tDcIdic ®(ut! 5Dt(f) fat) id), unb bie mtlbc grcubc gIo| Don bem [ii^en Slid auf tntdi; ®anj tt)ar mein ^erj an bctncr ©cite Unb |ebcr Sltcmjug fiir bitf), » gin rofenfarbnc^ き rUl^Ihig さ tcetter Umgab ba さ liebKtfic ®efi(f)t, Unb 3artlt(f)fcit fUr mid) 一 if)r mttevl Sd) f)offf e さ, id) mbknf c« nitfit ! 5Do ゆ ad), fd^on mtt bcr 5DZorgenfonnc 25 SSercngt ber 2lb[d^icb tnir bad る erj : Sn bcinen ^Uffcn tDcItfie SBonne ! beinem 3lugc tDcItfier ©d^tnerj I fling, bu ftanbft unb faf)ft gur grben Unb fa り ft mix md) mit naff em Slid: 30 Unb bod), tvd^ ®IUd, gettebt ju tDerben ! Unb licben, ®5ttcr, tvctd) ein ®IU(f ! 8. TUii einem gemaUen 8a ま tteine «Iumen, fleinc mttcv ©treuctt mix mit kxd)tev @anb ®ute jungc き rii り ling さ giitter ^anbclnb auf ein lufttg ^axtb. <5oe ゆ es <5ebt(^te S^Wf nimnrt auf betnc 柳 get, ©d(|Ktt9, さ urn tnctncr liebftcn ^tetb ; Uttb fo trttt pe t>ox ben ©ptegcl 湖 in tl)rcr SRunterfcit. ©i ゆ t mit $Ro[cn [x6) umgcbeti, ©elbft tt)ie etne $Rofc iung. Sinen Slid, gefiebte さ Seben ! Unb x6) bin be(of)nt genung, き り k, Me さ §erj ettn^finbct, JReid^e fret mix beme ©anb, Unb bad S3anb, tm さ un さ Derbmbct, ®ct fcin [d^tpadied JRofcnbanb. 9. mailicb. SBic l)crrlt(f) leud^tct aJHr bic 5«atur! SBic gldnjt bie ©onne ! Sajic Iad)t bic glur! S さ bringen SlUtcn 2lu さ jebcm 3meig Unb taufetib (gtimmcn き bcm ©cftriiud), Unb き rent), unb SBonnc 2lu さ jebcr Sruft O (Srb,, ©tmne, D ©lud, 8uft ! <5oet!jes (Sebt^te. D 8tcb', gtcbe ! ©0 golbcn [dion, SSBic 3Korgcntt)oIfen 2luf jcneti ©of)n ! ! Du fegncft Ijcrrlid^ !Da さ friftfie gclb, Qm S3IUtcnbaTnpfc 5Dic DoMe SBcft, D 3»abd)cn, 3»abc^cn, SBie Ueb' id) M ゆ ! SBie bitdt bcin St 零 ! 2Bie liebft bu micfi ! ©0 licbt Me gerd^e ©cfang unb 8uft, Unb aKorgenblumen 5Den ©immetebuft, SBic icf| bid^ liebc aJHt tparmcm S3(ut, 5Dte bu mix •Sugenb Unb ^eub' unb 議 3u ncuen gicbem Unb Janjcn gtcbft. ©ei ettJtg g 随 id^, SBtc bu tnid^ liebft! (Soeti^es (Stbidfit lO. Siivbi btv 5ttdis, f ク gilt ber Bal^* 92(u^ STOittagc fa ま tort き 零さ aSolf tm 卿 fen ; amor ! am, unb fttrbt ber gut^^ SBoHf cr tnit 誠 [ptclciu Sebcr tneittcr grcunbc fa§ gro^ bci fcittctn ^crjdiett ; Sbnor blie^ hit gadcl au 各, ©prat^ : ©ier ift ba^ ficrjt^eti! Unb bte gttdel, ipic fic glomm, 8ie§ man eilig toanbem ; Sebcr briirfte 卩 e gcft^lPtnb 3n bic §anb be さ anbcnu Unb mix reiditc S)orUi さ ®ic mit ©pott unb ©c^er je ; ^aum berii り rt mem Singer fie, §ett ctttpammt bic ^erjc. ©etigt mir Slugen unb ®efi(^t, ©efet bte Sruft in き lammett, tiber meincTn §au}3tc fd^Iug き aft bte (Slut jufammen. gofd^cn tooUV i ゆ, pat\6)tt }U ; 5Do ゆ e さ brennt beftaiiiig ; ©tatt in fterben, mxh ber き lu^ 各 JRcd^t bei tnir (ebenbig. <5oetI)e5 (Sebidfit, 11. 3litU>e littt^ D (tebltc^e Jl^crcfe ! SBtc tpanbed gleid^ ind 535fc 5Dein offne さ 3luge fid^I ! Die 2lugen gugebunben, ©aft bu mx6) fdjucD gefunbcn, Unb ttmrum fingft bu eben mitf)? 5Du fagteft mi ゆ auf« bcfte Unb l^ieltcft mit^ [o fcfte, •3 ゆ fan! in beinen ®6)o% fiaum tparft bu aufgebunben, SBar aUe 8uft Der ゆ unben; 5Du (tegcft 請 ben S3Imben ま @r tap))te l^in unb tpieber, 3Scrrenfte faft hit (Sficber, Unb alle f 昨お ten ゆ n* Unb iDiHft bu mi ゆ ni^t liebcn, ©0 り, i ゆ ftet さ im S^rilben SBic mit tjcrbunbncn Slugcn l^in. 12. 巧 eibenv3sleiit, ©a り cttt ^aV em 9?5 さ kin ft ゆ n, 9l5^lem auf ber ©eiben, SBar [o jung unb Tnorgenftf)5n, 8icf cr [(fincO, e さ nafj }U fcl)n, ©aiy さ mtt Dielcn greuben. 9lo«Icin, $Ro«lein, Sio^lcin rot, 9?5«tcin auf ber ^ciben. (Soctljes (Sebxdfit ^abe fpracf) : Qi) brecfje bitf), 9W さ leiti auf ber §ciben ! 9?5 さ lein fprad^ : [ted^c bid^, 5Da5 bu cttjig benfft an m ゆ, Uttb xi) tt)itf^ ttid^t leibcn. aeo^Iein, 9?5^Iem, 9?5^Icitt rot, さ km auf ber ©eiben. Unb ber tt)Ubc ^abe brad| ,さ さ lein auf ber ©eiben; 9Wi さ lein iDel^rte fief) unb ftad^, §alf tf)m bocfi fetn SBet) unb 21 ゆ 2Bu^f e さ eben Icibcn, JRo^Iein, $R5^Iem, JRo^fein rot, 9?5dlem auf ber §eibcn. 13. 5ideunev(ie5« •3m 9tcbctfleriefel, tm ttcfcn ©d^ncc, •3m tDtlbcn SBalb, in ber SBintemadit, •3 ゆ t)orte ber SBoIfe §ungcrget)eul, Sd) i)Mt ber gulen ®ef き ei : SBiOe tt)cm ttmu iduu 1 SBtHe tt)o tpo tt)o! mto f)u! ■3 ゆ fd^o§ einmat cine fiafe, am Brnm, ! Der 2lnne, ber §e め ゆ re f ゆ nmrje liebc ^afe, ; ! iDa fatnen be^ Slad^t さ ficbcn SBemoIf }u mtr, SBaren ficben, fieben SBeiber Dom ! Dorf, SBtllc mu mn nmu! SBiHc too too too 1 mto \)Vil (Soetf^es (Sebtd^te Q6) fanntc fie atf, itf) fanntc fic tt)o り K, 5Dtc 3lnnc, Me Urfct, btc «at り,, ! Die 8iefe, bte S3arbe, Me bit 53ct]^ ; ®te l)eultcn tm toifc tnttf) an* SBitte mu mu mul SBiCc m too ido! aSito t)u! 5Da nannf itf) fic aUt bci Stomen laut : 28a« tDtttft tm, 3lnnc ? ttm さ iDiOft tm, Set り ? 5Da rfittelten fic fid^, ba ftfiiitteltcn pc Unb Itefen unb l^eultcn baDon^ SBillc ttmu mu mul SBitte ttjo tt)o tpo! mto \)Vil 14. Her tt>xd Urn Tucine ©iltte. IP an brer. 3)roben? お ait, ®Ici(f) jur ginfen ! Du 难 ®cbaf(^ り hum; ま ID a n b r e r. S^x aWufctt unb ©rajien ! ! Da 各 tft mcinc ©Utte. H) a n b r e r. ©ne さ 2:cmpc(« Summer! れ a It, §icr jur ©cit' f)mab Quillt ber S3runneti, ! Den ii) trmlc. (Soetljes <5ebtd?te, Wanbtet, ®(til)cnb ttjcbft bu fiber beinem ®rabc, ®eniu さ! iiber bir •3 卩 jufammengcftiirjt ! Deitt 3Kcifterftud, D bu Unfterblidier! SBaif, id) l^ole ba^ ®efa§ ! Div jum Jrinfen. to a n b r e r. (Sptjeu り at beinc [d^Ianfe ©otterbilbung umfleibet, SBie bu enH3orftrcbft Stu さ bcm ©d^utte, ©ciulenpaar I Unb bu, einfame ©d^tpefter bort, aaSie ゆ r, 5Diipre さ 3Boo さ auf bem り eiligen gaupt, 3Bajeftatifd^ trauemb tjerabfd^aut Sluf bie gertrummertcn Su euem 綱 en, Sure ©efd^tDtftcr ! •3tt be さ Srombecrgeftrdud^c^ ©d^atten ©edt fie ®tf)Utt unb grbe, Unb り り e さ ®ra さ tDanft briiber l^hu ©d^cifecft bu fo, 9?atur, ! Deine さ aWcifterftiid^ 2»eiftcrftUd ? Unem))tinbli(f) gcrtriimmcrft bu 5Dcm ©ciligtum? ©cieft ! Diftein brcin? (Soetljes <5ebtd?tc. 15 5tau. 2Bie ber Stiabe fdpft! SBiOft bu in ber §utte ruf)n, ? trembling? SBillft bu f)icr 85 8tebcr in bem き reien bletben? e さ tft fii り I! ^xmm ben き aben, S)a5 xH) ©after fd^opfen ge り ©c^Iafc, gieber! fd)(af! to an brer. @»6 ift beinc 5Ru^! 2Bk, さ, in f)immlifd^cr ®efuttbf)ctt @(f)tt)imTnenb, ruf)ig attnet! 5Du, gcboren ubcr 9ieften ^eiliger SSergangeti り eit, 9iuiy ゆ r ®eift auf Mr ! SBeldicn ber umfd^mebt, aSirb in ©otterfelbftgefut)! S^ebe さ 2^ag さ gcniegen, aSotter ^cim Mi ゆ, auf, S)e さ glangenben き ril り img さ ©errlid^cr ®d|tnu(f, Unb leu ゆ te Dor beinen ©cfeHen! Unb tDcttt bie Sfittenplle tt)cg, ®ann fteig' au さ betnem Sufcn ! iDic DoOe %vn6:)t Unb reife ber ®onn^ cntgegen. 5rau. ©efepe ,さ ®ott! ― Unb fdpft er no6)? •3 ゆ f)abe tiid^t さ gum frifd^en 2runf 211 [さ ein ©tiid ^Brot, bad td^ bir bictcn fanti. 90 95 100 105 (5oe ゆ es (Sebxdfie. VOanhxtt. •3 ゆ banfe bit. SBie l)errlid^ alle さ Miil^t umt)cr Unb grunt I 5rau. 3Kcin 3Kantt toirb balb 3la6j §aufe [ein aSom gelb. D bfeibe, bleibc, Tlaml Unb i§ mit im さ tm さ Slbcnbbrot, Wanbrer. Q\)v —net l^ter? 5 ran. ! ©a, jttjifdicn bem ®emttuer l^er. ! Die ^iitte baute no ゆ mctn SSatev 2lu さ ^^egeln unb be さ ©d^uttc^ ©tctnen. @r gab mid) cmem Slder^manti Unb [tarb in unfern Slmetu ― ^aft bu gefc^lafen, liebe さ @crg? SBie er munter tft unb ftjtefett toifl! ! Du ©cfielm! Wanbrer. ^flatnr^ bu ett)ig fetmcnbe, ©tfiaffft iebcn jum ®enu お be さ 8cbcn«, ^aft beine Sinber aUe mttttcrltd^ aOWt grbteil au さ geftattet, cmer ^iittc. ^od^ baut bie (Sd)mtV an bad ®efim さ, Unfiil^Icnb, tt)el(f)cn 3ierat @tc Derflcbt : (Soett^es (Sebt^tc 17 5Dtc JRaitp' umfptnnt ben golbnen Sttjeig 3 謙 SBi まり au さ fUr tf)re S3rut ; 135 Unb bu fitdft gtptftfien ber 9Scrgangcnl|cit (Srl)abnc 2Wlmmer き ilr beine S3cburftti[f' gine ^me, aWctifd^, ®enic§eft iiber (Srabern 1 ― i4o 8eb,tt)o りレ bu ilMlii) SSJeib! 5Du iDtCft nt(f)t bictben? to an brer. ®ott erl^alf cud}, ®egn, cuem Stiabcn! ®I«(f auf ben 28eg! 145 ID a n b r c r. Sajo^tn fulirt mid^ ber ^fab ®ort fibcm S3erg! 5ratt. 9ta(^ guma. Wanhvev. 28tc tpeit tff« f)in? 5 ran. SDrct aWcilen gut, 150 W anbxex. 8eb' は り 1 1 D, (eite meincn ®ang, Slatur 1 18 155 i6o 165 <5oe ゆ es (Sebtc^te. Den f^emblmg^9teifetritt, ®en iibcr ©raber ^ctltgcr SJergangetifieit Q6) tDanble, 8eif i り n jum © ゆ ufeort, SSorm 9?orb geberft, Unb m bem SWittag^ftral^l (gin ^appetoalbd^eti tt)cf)rt Unb fe り r, id) bam Sim 2lbenb t)etm aSergoIbet Dom (efeten ©onnenftral^t, 8a§ mitf) em))fangen fol ゆ em SBcib, ! Den Snabcn auf bem Sinn! 15. §at atte さ fcinc ^dt ! Dad 9?a り e tpirb rodt, ! Da« SSarrne Xdivh faft, ! iDer 3^unge tpirb alt, 5 S)a さ Salte tDirb ttmrm, ! Der 9tei(f)e tpirb arm, ®cr 9larre gef ゆ eit, Sllle さ gu [cincr S^it 16. XUteHdttt tttti> Krltlfcr, g さ t)atf cin ttiab' einc Saube jart, ®ar fd^on t)on garben unb bunt, <5oeti)es (Sebtc^te. 19 ®ar l^erglttf) lieb, nad^ ^abenart, ©ea^et au さ [cinem 3Jhmb, Unb り atte fo ^vtnV am ^Subd^en [cin, 5 J)a§ cr n ゆ t fonnte \x(S) freuen attein. ! ©a lebtc nid^t toeit em 3llt*gutf)^ l^erum* Srfa り rett unb le り rreid^ unb fd^tpafeig barunt; ! Der り atte ben ^aben man ゆ ®tunb(ein ergiifet, 3Jiit SSunbem unb Siigen Derpral)lt unb Dcrfd^tDci^t. 10 fM\x^ memcm き uc^i さ bocfi tnein S^dubelein geigcn (gr lief unb fanb ttjtt ftrcden in ©trttuc^etu "@ie り, gud^ さ, mein licb 2aublem, mein S^ciub^cn fo fcpn! §aft bu bcin 2ag fo cin S^aubd^cn gefe り ti?" 3eig, l)cr! 一 ! iDer ^nabc vti6)t% ― ®cf)t tt)ol)t an; 15 3lber e さ fel)lt notS) numd^e さ bran, J)te き ebern, gum (g^cmpel, pnb ju furj geraten. 一 !Da fing er an, rupft' fief) ben ®raten* J)cr ^nabe fd^rie* ― ! i)u mu^t ftarfre cinfefeen, ©onft jiert ,さ n ゆ t, ftfittjingct ni ゆ t* 一 2o ! iDa ttjar ,さ nadt ― SD^iggcburt! 一 unb in gcfecn 1 S)em ^naben bad §erjc bri^t. SBer fid^ erfennt im ^aben gut, S)er [ei Dor き ttd^feti auf fciner ©ut. 17. Has t^eilck^en. gin 9SctI(f)en auf ber SBiefe ftanb ®ebil(ft in fitf) unb unbelannt ; @ さ mx ein t)crgtg'« SSeil ゆ eti. I (Soe ゆ es (Sebtc^te. ! Da fam cine junge ©c^iiferin aKit lei ゆ tem (S(t)Titt unb munterm ©inn ! Da り er, ba りば, Die SBicfc り er, unb fang. 21 ゆ ! benft bag SSeitt^cn, toax' \i) nur ! Die ftpnfte お Imne ber 3latnx, 51 ゆ, nur ein fteine さ SBcitt^cn, S3te mtc^ ba さ giebc^en abgep 卩 iUft Unb an betn S3ufen matt gebritdt I 91 ゆ nur, ai) nur gin SSicrtelftunbd^en tang! 3lc^! aber a6)\ im さ Snabc^en fam Unb md)t in a6)t bag 9SciId|en tia り m, Srtrat bag arme 9Je 称 tu @ さ fanf unb ftarb unb frcuf fid^ tio ゆ : Unb fterb, td^ benn, fo fterb, id^ bo ゆ ! Dim^ fic, burc^ 卩 e, 3u i^rcn pfecn bod). 18. さ ev ^(3ni$ in tZl^ute. e« mx ein tonig in SC^uIc ®ar treu big an ba さ ®rab, ! Dem fterbcnb feme お u り le Sinen goltmeti ^Bcc^cr gab, S さ ging xtjvx m6)i^ bariibcr, gr lecrf i り ti jcben ©d^mcm さ ; ! Die ^lugen gittgcn ゆ m itbcr, ®o oft er tranf barau^. <5oe ゆ es (Sebtc^te Unb ate cr fam gu fterbcn, 3tt り tt, cr fcittc ©tSbf im JRei ゆ, ®onnf ttfleg feinetn Srbeti, Dctt ©cd^er nid)t jugtetc^. Sr fa^ beim Si^tiiggma り te, J)ie SRitter utn x\)n り er, 5luf り り em 9Jatcrfaate Dort auf bem @d^Io§ am 3Kccr. Dort ftanb ber alte ^t6)tY, Zxant lefete gebcn^glut Unb tt)arf ben り eil,geti お ec^er ©inunter in bie き tut* Sr fa^ ゆ ti ftUrgen, trinfcn Unb fm!en ticf in さ 3Kccr. ! Die a 零 Ti ゆ fttett ゆ m fUifeti, SCranI nie einen Zvopftn me り n 19. (Bci\tc^'(Bvnff. ^06) auf bem attcn Zumt ft ゆ t 5Dc« ©etbcn cblcr ©cift, Dcr, tt)ic ba さ © ゆ iff Doriiberge り t, g« IPO り t ju fasten ^ci^t. „@ic]^, biefc ©enne ttmr fo ftart, ! Cte« §crg fo feft unb wilb, I)ie SliDd^en t)olI Don SRittermarf, I)er お ed^er angefullt ; <8oe ゆ es <8ebtd?tc. ,Mtm fjalbc^ gebcn ftitrmt' id) fort, a3erbef|ttf Me §atff in 9hit|, Unb bu, bu aWettf ゆ eti-@ ゆ iffleitt bort, き ゆビ immcr, imincr ju!" 20. JHne fu Kobletif, im (Somtncr 1774. 3w 称 It 8at)ater unb Safebom ©a^ tcf) bci Jtfd^ be さ ? cbcn^ frol^. §err §clfer, bcr itmr gar ni6)t faul, ©efet, fid^ auf ctncn fd^itmrjen ®aut, 9Zal^m cincn ^farrcr l^intcr fief) Unb auf btc Dffenbarung ftri ゆ, ! Cic im さ ^ol^anne^ ber *?}vop]^et aWit mt\cln IDO^I Dcrficgetn t^at ; groffnct' bie ©icgcl furj unb gut, SBic man Jl^ertaf^bitcfifen 5ffnen ゆ ut, Unb ma も mtt einetn l^citigen 9?ol^r ! Die Subu^ftabt unb ba さ ^leti ふ r Dcm l^ocfierftauntcn ^itnger わ or. itmr inbe さ nid^t meit gcrcift, §atte em ®tu(f ©altncn aitfgef や ei 卩, SSatcr S3afcboit), unter bicfcr ^txt, ^adt etncn Janjtneiftcr an fciner ©cif Unb geigt ゆ m, itm さ bic Saufe flar SSti dl^rift unb fcinen ^^Uitgern itmr; Unb bag fid) ,さ gar iti ゆ t jicmet it^t, ! Dag man ben Sinbcm bic ®opfc nt^t (Soetf^es (Stb'idfie ! Drob iirgcrt fid^ bcr anbrc り r Unb iDolIte gar nx6)t^ Ijoxtn me り r Unb fagt: c« iDii^te tin jcbe^ ^inb ! Da 后 c« in bcr Sibel ember さ ftunb'. Unb i ゆ I) ゆ agfi ゆ unterbcffen §tttt, cincn ©al^nen aufgefreffcn* Unb, tt)ie nadi (Stnmau さ, iDeiter ging ,さ aWit ®rift- unb き euerf あ ritten, ^xop\)ttt re ゆ t さ, ^ro^jl^cte liitf さ, SDa さ SBeltftnb in ber 薩 etu 21. rcgticn, iDcnn e さ rcgncn iDiH, ! Dcm better fcinen 8auf ; Dcnn tt)enn e さ nid|t mcl^r rcgncn toiU, ®o l^iJrt ,さ t)on fclber auf. 22. 2tn Sditva^cv HvonoB* ® や itbe b ゆ, Srtmo さ ! fjort ben raflelnben Zxoit I ^Bcrgab cjtcitet bcr SBcg; (SKe さ ® ゆ ttJinbettt gogert 3)?ir わ or btc ©time bein gaubem. き rifd^, l^otpert e さ gleid^, tiber ©tod unb ©tcine ben Zxott ^a\6) in さ Seben l^incm ! (5oetf)e5 (Sebic^te. 9?un fd^on toicbcr ! Den cratmenben @ ゆ ritt 赚ま m S3cr9 り i 籠 fl 3luf bcnti, tii ゆ t triigc benn, ©trebcnb unb l^offcnb l^faum! 2Bcit, l^oc^, l^errl ゆ ber Slid 5Rinfl« in さ 8ebcn l^incm, SSom ©cbirg jutn ©ebirg ©c^toebct ber etDtge ®eift, gtDigen Scbend a]^tibct)olI. ®ctttt)drt« be さ ttberb 率 ©c^attcn ふゆ t M ゆ cm Unb cin grifc^ung Dcr^ci^cnber SSM auf ber Sc^melle bc« a»iib ゆ eti さ bo. 8abe bic^ ! 一 SWir auc^, SKfibd^etu ! Ciefen fc^aumcnbcn JranI, 、 ! Diejcn frifc^cti ©cfunbl^eit^blid ! W) berni, rafc^er l^inab I @te り, bic ©onnc fmft! (§if fie finft, e ゲ mtc^ ©rcifen grgrcift im 3Jfoorc 5KebcIbuft, gntja り Tite Sicfer fdinattcm . Unb bod jc^fottcmbc ®cbchu Sirunfnen t>om Icfeten ®tra り t 5Rei§ Tnid^, cm gcuenneer aWtr im ft^iiuTnetiben Slug,, 腿 ゆ geblenbcten SCautnctnbeti 3n ber ©oUc niic^tli ゆ 2:]^or. <5oe ゆ es en, SKein atte さ gtjangefium Sring, tc^ Mr l^ier fd^on tt)iebcr ; J)oct| ift mi ビ g mf)i urn mid) り erum, Darum fd^retb' ic^ birt niebcr. ^ l^ottc ®oIb, it^ ^ottc SBein, ©tetif alle さ ba gufammen. Da, bac^f i ゆ, ba toirb SBiinne fein, ®e り t mem ®emMb, in き tammeti ! ゆ af i ゆ bci ber @c^% glor SSicI ®Iut unb SRe ゆ turn ft^iDcinnen ; Dod) aJJcnft^cnfleift^ gcl^t aHem t)or, Urn ft ゆ baran iDarmcn. Unb tt)cr tiiddt ric^tct, fonbern flei^ig ift, 93Sic id^ bin unb tt)ic bu bift, ! Den bdol^nt an6) bic 2W6eit mit (Senu^ ; 9?ici ^お tt)irb auf ber ? Bctt il^m tlberbru^. Detm er bledet nid|t tnit ftum^fctn S^\)n Sang' ©cfottnc^ unb ©ebratne さ an, !E)a さ er, totm er noc^ fo ftttlid) faut, Snbtid) bo ゆ ni6)t fcmberii ゆ Derbaut ; 26 (Soctl^es <5ebtc^te. ©onbcm fa も t em tud^tig ©d^infcnbein, §aut ba gut tagtol^nermagig brcin, §mit bi« oben gtcrig ben ^ofal, kvxntt unb iDif ゆ t bag 3)?aul ido り t nid)t emmol. 25 @iel^, fo ift 9Jatur em ゆ lebcnbig, Untjcrftanbcn, bocf) ti ゆ t unt)erftanbli^ ; ! Denn bein §erj り at t)iel unb gro^ お egel^r, SBa さ woijl in bcr SBelt fitr き reube lt)iir,, SlMcn @onnenfcf)cm unb atle お ftrnne, 30 2lfle さ aWcergeftab' unb alle Jrautnc 3n bcin §erg ju fammcln mit einanbcr, ? Bie bic ? Brit burd)lt)u]^lenb Scmfg, ©olanbcr, Unb it)ic mu§ W ビさ iDcrbcn, tt)cnn bu fit り left, ! Da§ bu atle さ in bir felbft erjicleft, 35 i^reubc り aft an beincr き rem unb gunben, 9H さ nod) fcincr in gl^putn gcfunben, 2U さ cr ba mit ©t^atten lieblid^ fd^tueifte Unb an golbnc ©ottgcftatten ftreifte. 9?^t in SRom, in aWagna ®rftda, 40 ! E)ir itn §crjen ift bie 9Bonnc bal SBcr tnit fciner abutter, ber Slatur, fid^ り Mt, ginb't itn ©tcngelgla^ tooijl cm SBett, 24. pvometlteu&«, ^Bebede bcinen §hnmel, ^tu^, aWtt SBoKettbunft Unb iibe, bem Snabcn glei ゆ, ®er ! Diftein や ft, (SoetJjcs (Stbxdfie. Sin git^en bic^ unb Scrge^^ol^n ; SKu^t mir mcine grbe ! Doc^ laffen 卩ゅ ti, Unb mcine giittc, bic bu nid^t gcbaut^ Unb meincn §crb, Urn bcffen (Slut -'' ' ! Du tnid^ bcneibcft fcnne tii ゆお 效 nnere さ Untcr bcr ©otm,, al さ cud), @5ttcr! Sijx nal^rct fummerlit^ ®on D^jfcrftcuem Unb ©ebeWl^aud) (Sure aWajeftat, Unb barbtct. iDaren 卿 Inber unb Settler ©offnutifl^tjolle Zlfoxtn. Da id| em Sinb itmr, yixd)t iDugte IDO au さ nod) cin, Sel^rt' i ゆ mem tjcrirrtc^ Huge 3ur (Sonne, al さ iDenn briibcr warf din O り r, ju l^orcn tncittc ^lagc, Sin ©erj, tok mein さ, ©id) beg ^ebrcingten ju crbannctt- SBcr l^alf mir SBtber ber Sitanen Ubcmut ?ぃ SBer rcttete り om SEobe mid^, 9Son ©flaoerei ? ©aft bu md)t aUe さ felbft tjollenbct, ©eilig gliil^enb §erg? (SoetJjcs (Sebtc^te. Uttb 琴 eft iimg unb gut, お etrogeit, Sficttung^ban! ! Dcm ©c^tafenben ba brobcn ? Sd) bx6) c^rcn ? SBofilr? §oft bu bie ©d^mcrgcn gelinbert 3e bc« ©ctabenen ? §aft bu bic 'ilijx'antn geftillct 3fe bc« ©eangftcten ? §at nid^t tni ゆ gum 3Kanne gcfdimicbct ! Die aUmcidittge ^tit Unb bag ctDige ®d|i(ffoI, aJicittc §crrn unb bcine ? JBa^ntcft bu ttm, ■3 ゆ follte ba^ 8cbcn l^affen, 3n SBUften ffic^en, 麵 n"t aUc Sttitcntrdumc rciften ? §icr 卩ぉ, id^, forme SD?enfct|cn 5Ka ゆ mcinem お ilbe, ®n ®efcl^Ied)t, tm さ mir gfeid^ fei, 3u Ictbcn, ju iDeincn, 3u genie 如 It unb ju frcucn fi ゆ, Unb bcih nidjt ju ad)ttn, mt id) 1 25. Heue Ciebe nettes Ceben. §erj, mm §erg, nm さ foil ba さ gcben ? SBa さ bcbrangct bid^ fo り r? SBcId^ ein frembe^, tieue さ gcben I Qd) crfcnnc bid) niddt m ゆ r* <5oe ゆ es eni>tiet^ き elbe f ゆ W ゆ, ゆ ftiU unb tptlb, ®c|pannt tnein gcucrroI)i\ J)a [dinjcbt fo li ゆ t betn fiebc« S3ilb, !Dcm fii§e さ S)ilb tnir り or. <9oeit)e5 (5ebic^ie. ! Du iDatibelft je お t tool^l ftiU unb mtib ©un^ gclb unb Itebed X^al, Unb, (xif, mm f ゆ tieU t)erraufc^etib SRxlb, ©tetlt fic^ btr'^ ntd|t cinmal? !Dc^ aWetif め cn, bcr bic SBelt bim^ftrcift 95oU Untnut unb SSerbrufe, Sflai) Often unb tia め 9Bc[tcn fd^weift, 3BetI er bic^ laffcti mug. aWtr ift t も, benf ゆ nur an bi ゆ, 211 さ m bctt 3Konb ju fcl^n; gin fttUer き riebe fotmnt auf mi ゆ, SBeip tti ゆ t, tDte mtr gcfc^cl^n. 33. Un CW, 3n tin (S^emplar ber Stella, 1776. ^Jm l^olben 2: り d, auf fdineebebedten ©ol^cn ffijar ftet さ bein ふ fi) tnir nal^; -3c^ fa り, さ um tntc^ in li ゆ ten SBoIfen m ゆ en, •3m §crjett mar mtrt ba. Smpfinbe り ier, mtc tnit alhna ゆ t,gem 2^riebe (Sin §erj ba さ anbre jie り t, Unb ba^ わ ergeben 各 8tebe 35or giebe pie り t. 34. tDan5rer& nad^ttieb* 5Dcr bu t)on bem gttntnel bift, SlHe さ 8eib unb ©c^mcqen ftiUeft J)cn, ber boppcit elcnb ift, Doppelt mtt grquidUTtg fUUcft, (Soett^es (Sebt^te. ^6), id) bin be さ Irciben^ miibe ! ffiJa^ foil all bcr ©d^meq unb 8uft? ©ii^cr gricbc, S^omtn, ad^, lomtn in tncine Snift! 35. SSSarum gabft bit un^ bic tiefen SHtfe, Uttfre 3ufuTift a り Tiunggt)oU gu fc^aim, Unfrcr IHcbc, unferm Srbengflidc SBal^nenb fcfig nitntncr l^injutraun? aBarum gabft im さ, @(^i(ffa(, bie ©eful^Ic, Un さ etnanber in ba さ あ }u fcl^n, Unb bur ゆ all bie feltencn ®ett)u{)Ie Uttfer m\)v 9Se ゆ ttitni さ au^jufpa^n? 51 ゆ, fo わ iele taufenb 3D?enfd^en fenneti, ! Duntpf trcibenb, faum ゆ r cigcn §erg, ©d^njeben jtDecflo^ り hi unb も er unb rentien §offnung さ lo さ in unt)erfel)nen ©d^meq; ^aud^gcn tpteber, tpenn bcr f ゆ neilen ^reubcn Uncrtoarftc aWorgenrote tagt; Slur mt さ artnen liebeDoUen Seiben 3fft ba さ tpec^fclfeifge ®IM tjcrfagt, Uti さ ju fieben, of^xC mi さ ju わ erftel^eti, Sn bem anbcm f ゆ n, \va^ er nic wax, Otntner frif め auf Irautnglud au^gugcl^en Unb ju fci^iDanlen and) in Irautngefa^r, ゆ, ben cin (ecrer Irautn bcft^iiftigt, ©liidlic^, bem bic 21 ま tig eitel Mf ! 3^cbe ©cgcnmart unb jeber Slid befrafttgt Zxanm unb 21 り mmg leiber un さ no ゆ tnc^r. 40 (5oett{es (Sebtc^te. 25 ©ag,, nja さ toiH bad ©c^idfal im さ bcrcitcn? @a8,, tpie banb e さ un^ |o rem genau? ad), bu tparft in abgefebtcn Stittn aKeine © ゆ tpefter obcr tneinc %xau. Sannteft jcbcn 3^9 hi mcmctn SBefcn, 30 ©pa^tcft tpie btc reinfte 5Ker わ e Ittngt, ^onnteft mi ゆ tnit ctncm Slide lefen, ©en fo fc^njer ein fterblic^ Slug' tmr ゆ britigt ; Iropfteft aKiigiflung bcm ^cigen ©lute, 9?icl)tcteft ben tDtlbcn, trren 8auf, 35 Unb in beinen Sngcl^artncn ru^tc ! Die jcrftdrtc 4Bruft ji ゆ njteber auf ; §icltcft jaubcricid^t ゆ ti angebunbcn Unb t)er8aufeltcft i り m tnant^cn lag. SBel ゆ e ©eligfeit gltc^ jetien aBonneftunbcn, 40 J)a cr banfbar btr iu ^n^tn lag, §u{)If fein ©erg an bcmcm ©erjcn f ゆ toelkti, き ill^lte m in beinctn Slugc gut, 5lUe feine ©tnnen fic^ cr^ctten Unb beruliigctt fein braufenb SShxtl 45 Unb t)on aUm bctn f ゆ njebt cin grinncm 3lux nod) urn ba さ ungetptffc gcrj, き ii り It bie alte 2Ba り r り eit cttJtg g(e ゆ tm ^ftmern, Unb ber ncuc ^Suftanb toixh tl^m ©ditncrj. Unb tpir fci^etnctt uti さ nur り aft befccfct, 50 ©atntnemb ift utn mi さ ber り etlfte lag* ©ludlic^, bag ba さ ©c^idfal, bad un さ quiilet, Uti さ hod) n\(S)t Derttnbern mag! (Soett^es er ben IPafferm De« SDZenf^en @cclc ®(cicf|t bent SBaffcr : SSom gimtnet fontntt e さ, 3um gimtnet fteigt eg, Uttb h)ieber niebcr 5 3ur Srbc mu^ eg, ©Dig n)e ゆ feht ヒ ©trihnt Don ber り ol^eti, ©tcilen き etematib J)er reine ©tragi, 10 ! Dann ftaubt cr ticbticfi ひ ti aEBotfeniDellen i (Soctl^cs (Sebi^te, 3uTtt glattcn ぎ ete, Unb Icid^t cmpfangctt, SBallt cr Derf ゆ kiemb, 8e お rauf ゆ etib, 3ur 2^icfe niebcr. ! Dcm ®turj entgcgcn, ©d^autnt cr unmutig ©tufcntDcifc 3um Slbgrunb. 3m flaxen Settc ©c^lcic^t er bad SBicfentl^al l^in, Unb in bent glattcn ©cc aaScibcn ゆ r 9lnrti お 9iac ©cftimc. SBinb ift ber aSBcHc Sicbtic^er Sutler ; SBinb mifc^t Dom ®runb aug @cf|(iuTnenbc SBogcn. ©eelc bed aWcnfc^cn, SBic glcicfift bu bent 啊 fer! ©d^icffal be さ aJicnfd^en, SBic gtcidift bu bcm SBinb! 47. g さ mx tin faulcr ©chafer, ®n rccf|tcr ©icbcnfc^Iiifcr, Qlju fuTntncrtc tcin @cf|af. (Soctl^es (xi <5 る midje. 、 二 gbet fci bcr aWetif ゆ, §ilfrcicf| unb gut! ! Dcnn bad attcin Unterfd^cibct if)n SSott alien SBefcn, Die h)ir fcnncti- §eil ben unbcfannten ©5f)crn SBcfen, ! Cic tt)ir a^ncn ! O^nen gtcid^c ber aWenf ゆ; [®em Scifpiel te りビ im さ luetic gtaubcn. (Soe ゆ es (Scbi^tc ! Dcnn unfiiljtcnb 3ft bic 9latur : g さ ku6)ttt bic ©onnc ttbcr «of unb ®utc, Unb bcm SScrbrcc^cr ©Icin^cn, njic bcm Scftcn, ! Der SWonb unb bie ©tcme. SBinb unb ©trome, ! Conner unb §agel 9tauf ゆ eti i^rcn SBcg Unb crgreifcn, SSoriibcreilcnb, Sincn urn ben anbern, Slu ゆ fo bad ®tM SCappt untcr bic SDlcnge, gagt balb bc« Snaben Socfigc Unfc^ulb, Salb audi ben fallen ©cfjulbigen ©cfieitel. ^aij ctDigcn, ゆ men, Orogcn お en 2Ku[fcn tt)ir alle Unferc^ ! Dafem さ Sreifc Dollenben. 5Rur aflein ber SKenft^ 3Scnnag tm さ UnmSgtidie : (Sr unterfrfjcibct, m\)kt unb ricfitct ; & fann bem Stugenblid Daucr tjerfe ゆ ett (SoetJjes (Sebt^te gr allcin barf ! Deti ®utcn lo^nen, ! Den SiJfen ftrafen, §eilcn Uttb rctten, 9lUc« 3^rrenbe, ®d^tt)cifcnbe Sfimid) Dcrbinbcn. Unb njir Derc^rcn ! Die Utifterb 障 It, 911 さ iDciren fie SDlcnfc^cn, ^dttn im gro^cn, • 2Ba さ bcr Seftc im fleinen J^ut ober mod^tc. J)er cble aKenfrf) ®ei j^ilfrcid^ unb ' gut ! Uncrmiibct fd^aff' er S)a« giufeUrfic, 9?crf|te, @ci im さ cin SSorbitb Oencr gcal^nctcn SBefen! 52. 2ler Sanger. SBad l^or' id) braugen t)or bcm 5E り or' aaSa さ cmf bcr «riicfc fcfiallen? 8a6 ben Ocfang t)or unfertn Df)r 3m @aalc njibcr^atlen! ! Dcr Sihiig fpra ゆ, さ, ber ^age tief ; ! Der Snabc lam, bcr Sitaig rief : gagt mir l^ercin ben 9ltten ! <8oe ゆ es e. 2Bcr nic fcin Srot mit SCl^ranen a§, ©er nic bic fummerDoCcn ^l&ijtt 3luf feinem Sctte tDeincnb ! Dev fennt eud) tU ゆ t, i^r ^itnmlifcl)en ajjac^te. ^I^r- ful^rt tn« 8cbcn im さ l^mem, 3 り r lagt ben 2lnncn fc^ulbig h)crbcn, Dcmn iiberta^t i り r ゆ it ber ^ein: ! Dcnn alle ®cf|utb rft ゆ t fi ゆ auf (Srbetu 55. 3lmenau am 3. (September 1783. 9lnmutig 2^^all bu ttnmcrgriiner gain! 3Kein §er3 bcgrii^t euc^ tt)icber auf bad beftc ; gntfaltct mir bic f^h)cr bef)angncn tftc, 9le り mt frcunblicf) mi ゆ in cure © ゆ attett tin, grquidt i)on curcn §5^n, am S^ag ber 8iet), unb 8uft aWit frifcficr 8uft unb Satfam memc Sruftl SBic fc^rf i ゆ oft mit njed^fctnbcm ®ef ゆ ide, gr^abner Scrg! an bcincn gu^ guriicfe, O, tag mid) l^cut cm bcincn fa ゆ ten §5l^n gin iugcnbtid^, cin tieue さ (Sbcn fe^n! 3^ ゆ l)aV e さ h)o^I cm ゆ mit urn eurf) tjerbicnet : 3 ゆ forge 卩 ill, inbe^ if)r ru^ig griinct. 8agt mxij Dcrgcffcn, bag audi l^icr bic SBcIt (go mand^ Ocfc^opf in @rbefe[fc(n り ftU, <5octl^es (Sebi^tc. 61 !! Dcr atibmann Icit^tcm ©anb ben ©amen anDcrtraut 15 Uttb fcincn ^o\)l bent frcd^cn SBilbc baut, ! Der Snappc Iargc« ©rot in S^Iiiften fu ゆ t, ! Dcr So^Icr gittert, h)cnn bcr ^iigcr fluent. SSerlUngt cud^ mir, h)ic il^r e さ oft Qtttfan, 911 さ fittg, iij ^eut cin tieite さ ? cben an. 20 3 り r feib mir l^olb, il^r gihmt mir bicfc Jrftume, @ic frfjmci^eln mir unb tocfcn altc ^Reimc. 〜3Wr h)iebcr fclbft/ Don alien aKcnfd^en fevti, 2Btc bab, i ゆ mid) m eurcn J)iiften gcml aKcIobifcf) raufrf|t bic l^ol^c Jattne iricber, 25 SKcIobijc^ citt bcr SBafferfalt l^emiebcr ; S)ic ©ottc finft, bcr 5«cbe( briicft m« 2: り at, Unb e さ ift 3lai)t unb Damtnrung auf einmaL finftcm SBalb, bcim giebe^blicf ber ©tcrne, ? Bo ift ntcin ポ fab, ben forglo さ iij mlox? 30 SBel ゆ feftnc ©thrnnen 1^5 ビ x6) in bcr き erne? ©ic fc^aHcn njcc^fclnb an bent き ete 'mpov. cUc fad^t, gu fe り It, e さ bebcutet, ©ic t)on be« §irfd^e さ $Ruf ber ^'Sger [tilt geleitet. 2Bo bin icf|? ift ,さ cin 3aubermiird^eTt-8(mb ? 35 ? Bet ゆ Ttfi ゆ tli ゆ e さ ®clag am gu^ ber gelfeniDanb? Sci Hcinctt §uttcn, hiijt vxxt 9?ei さ bcbedct, @ ゆ, iij fic frol^ cm さ geuer l^ingeftrccfet. S さ bringt ber Olanj l^ocf) burrf) ben gid^tenfaat ; 3lm nicbcm §crbe loc^t cin ro り e さ SDZa^ (; 4。 ®ie frfjcrjen laut, inbeffcn, balb geleeret, Die gtafd^c frif ゆ im Si*eife h)ieberfef)ret. 62 (Soetl^es (Sebi^te. ©agt, torn Dcrglcic^' id) biefe muntrc ©c^ar? SSott h)annett lotnmt fie? utn h)o^m gu gtcl^cn? 45 933ic ift an ゆ r boc^ atte さ munberbar ! ©oil id) fic grii^cn? foil i ゆ t)or ゆ r fKe^en? Oft e さ bcr Oftger toilbe さ ®ci[ter^cer? , ®inb'« ©nomcn, bic l^ier 3auberfihifte treibcn? 3 ゆ f ゆ, tm Sufcf) ber Heincti き eiter m ゆ r ; so & f(^aubcrt vxx6), iij tDage faum, ju blcibcn. 3ft ,さ bcr tg^ptier oerM ゆ tiger Slufen ゆ alt? ' 〜" 3ft e さ citt pc^tigcr giirft tt)ic im Slrbentier-SBalt) ? ®oU id) SScrirrter ^ier in ben t)cr|c^Iungncn ©rtinbcn メ ! Die ®eiftcr ©^afefpcarc« gar Derforpert fmbcn? 55 ひ ci, ber Oebank fiiljrt ntirf) cbcn red)t : ®ic [inb e さ fclbft, m ni ゆ t ein gleic^ ®cfcf|tcci^t! Unbiinbig fcfinjctgt ein ®ctft in t^rcr SKittcn, Unb bur ゆ bie SRof)eit fuf)f i ゆ cbic ©itten. SBic ncnnt i^r ゆ it? SBcr i\t% bcr bort gebiidt 6o 9?a ゆ Wffig part bic breiten ©c^ultcm brttcft? , ,、. & fifet 3Uttad)ft getaffctt an bcr き Icmune, 3516 marfigc ©cftalt cm さ aftcm §clbcnftamme. @r faugt bcgtevig am geliebten SRo^r, & ftcigt ber ! Dampf cm fcincr @tim cmpor. 65 ©uttnutig trodcn tocig cr grcub' unb 8acf|cn gangen 3h'fe( laut ju madden, fficnn cr mit cmftUdf)eTn ©cfic^t Sarbarifcfi bunt in frcmbcr SDluttbart \pxiijt リ、 '-ー SBer ift bcr anbrc, ber 卩ゅ niebcr 70 2ln cinen ©tur^ beg altcn Saunter (el^nt Unb fcinc totigen, fcingcftalten ®liebcr gfftatifd^ faul na ゆ alien ©eitcn be り tit (Soetl^es <5ebid?tc 63 Uttb, o^ttc bag bie <3e ゆ er auf i^n f)5rcn, SDWt ®ciftc«flu9 PA in bic §o]^c fd^wingt, Unb Don bcm 2^anj bcr l^imme ゆ ol^eit ©p^ftrcn 75 Sin monotone さ 8icb mit grower 3^tibnmp fingt ? Do ゆ fc^cinct alien ettDCi さ gcbrcc^cn. 3^ ゆ l^orc fic auf cinntal tcifc fpre ゆ eti, !Dc« ^Unglingd 9?u り e ni ゆ t }U unterbre^cn, ! Dcr bort am gnbe, too bad I^at fit^ fd^tie^t, 80 3n ciner §iltte, (eic^t gqhnmert, 9Sor bcr cin fester SKd bc« Hcincn き euer さ frfjimtncrt, SSom SBaffcrfaH umraufcfit, be さ tnilbcn © ゆ laf さ genie れ 2Wi ゆ treibt bag §crj, nacf) lener Shift gu tDanbcm, Jd^tcidie ftitt unb fd^eibe Don ben cmbertu 85 ノ' , ®ci tnir gcgrilgt, ber ^icr in fpiitcr 5WadE|t ©cbanfetiDoII an bicfer ©d^tDcCc nrnd^t! 2Ba« fitjcft bu entfcmt Don jenen き reubeit? ! Du fd^einft mir auf nja さ 95Bicf|tigc« bcbac^t. 2Ba さ iff さ, bag bu in ©ittticn bt^ Dcriicrcft 90 Unb nic^t cinmal bcin flcined き eiter fc^iireft? „に, fragc ni^t ! benn i ゆ bin nid)t bcreit, ! Dc« grcmbcn Slcugicr Id ゆ t }u ftiCen ; ©ogar Dcrbitt' id^ bcincn gutcn SBiKen ; ©icr ift ju frfjiDcigen unb ju Icibcn 3eit* 95 3^ bin bir ni ゆ t itn ftanbe felbft iu fagcn, SBo^cr id) fei, h)cr mi ゆ ^icrf)cr gcfanbt ; SSon frcmben 3oneTt bin id) l)ev Derf^tagcn '' Unb bur ゆ bie 5?rcunbfc^aft fcpgebannt. 64 ゆ rcbe bcnn untcr bicfcm S)a ゆ SRu^t all mem SBo り t unb att mcin Ungctnac^ : gin cble« §erj, Dont SBegc ber 9?atur Durrf) eitge さ @^icffa( abgeleitet, ! Da さ, a り Timigg り oH, nun auf ber rcrfjten @pur 125 Salb mit ftd^ fetbft unb balb mit gauberf ゆ atteti ftrdtet Unb, nmS if)m ba さ ©cf^icf bur ゆ bie Ocburt gefcfjcnft, aWit aWtt り, unb ©d^iDci^ erft 3U erringcn benft, Scin liebcDotlc^ SBort farm fcincn Ocift entf)uKen Unb Icin ©efang bie l^o^en SBogen ftiHcn. (Soetl^es (Sebic^te. 65 2Ber farm ber dtaupt, bic am S^ti^t frie ゆ t, 130 25on i り rem funffgen gutter fprc^en? Unb tt)er ber ^uppe, bic am S3oben liegt, 2)ie jarte ©d^alc l^etfen burcfigubred^en? g さ fomtnt bic ^tit, fie briingt fid) fdber lo さ Unb eilt ouf gittigcn ber 9?ofc in ben ® ゆ o§. 135 ®ett)i§, ゆ m geben aud) Me ^a^re 2)te red^te 9tid^tung feiner Sraft. Sflo6) ift bei tiefer 9?eigung fur tm さ SEBa^re 3 ま さ rrtum tint gcibettfcfiaft. !t)er aSomife locft t^n in bie SBeitc, 140 ^ein gete ift ゆ m ju fd^roff, fein ©teg ju f dental ; 5Der UnfotI lauert an ber ©eite Unb ftiirjt ゆ ti in ben 9lnn ber QuaL 2)ann treibt bie fd^merilicf) uberfpanttte 9?egung ©etDaltfam ゆ n balb tm, Mh bort l^hum さ, 145 Unb Don untnutiger SSctDegung dtaljt er unmutig tDieber cm さ * Unb bUfter tottb an ^extern 2^agen, Unbanbig, り ne fro り px fein, ©d^Iftft er, an ©eef uttb 8eib Derrounbet unb jcrfd^Iagen, 150 9luf einem l^artcn 8ager eitt: ^Ttbeffen x6) り ier, [till unb attncnb ftmtn, !t)ic Slugen ju ben freien ©temen fe り re Unb, l^alb emad^t unb り aft im fcfjtDcren Xvauvx, 3Ktd| faum be さ fcfjtDercn SEraum さ em ゆ re," . 155 aScrfd^tDinbe, Srautn ! SBie banf id), SIKufen, cu^! 2)a§ i り r tn ゆ l^cut auf einen や fab geftellet, 2Bo auf ein emjig SEBort bie ganje ®egcnb gleid^ 3um f(^5n[ten iage \x6) cr^cllet ; 66 (Soettjes (Sebic^te. i6o ! Die SBoIfc fn ゆ t, ber 5RebeI fdttt, ! Die ©d^attcn finb l^mtoeg. 3 り r ©otter, ^rcte unb SBonnc ! 6 さ leudEjtet tntr bie m\)vt Sonne, @ さ lebt tntr eine fd^5nre SBelt; J)a さ fingftlicfic ®t\xqt ift in bie 8uft gcrrotmcn, 165 ©n Tieue さ 8ebcn iff さ, e さ ift f ゆ cm (ang bcgonncn. fel^c ^tcr, toxt man md) Icmger 9?etfe 3m aSateriattb \i6) iDtebcr fetmt, ®n ru^ig 25olf im [tiHen き Iei§e S3enufeen, nm さ 9?atur an ®aben t^tn gcgonnt. 170 ! iDer き aben cHet Don bem 9?o(fen ん t)e さ JBeber さ rafd^etn ©tu^Ic ju; Unb ®eil unb S'ubel toivb in liingrcr り - 、、 9?id|t am Derbrod^nen ©d^ad^te ftod en ; & toivb ber SErug entbetft, bic Drbnung fcl^rt gurtid, 175 e さ folgt ®ebe ゆ n unb feftc^ irb'fd^e^ ®lU(f. ®o m5g', き ttrft, ber SBinfcI bcinc^ gcmbe さ ®n SSorbtIb bciner Zaqe fein! Du fenneft lang bie ^flid^ten bcine^ ®tanbe6 Unb fd^rfinfeft nad) unb nad) Me freic @eelc em, 180 ! iDer farm ftd^ tnancfien JBunfd^ getoft り reti, J)er lalt fid^ felbft unb feinem SBitlen Icbt; Wein tvev anbre tDo^l ju leiten ftre^C 3Ku§ fal^tg fein, Did }u entbc^ren. @o iDanble bu 一 ber 8of)n ift md)t gering 一 i85 ^Hid)t fcf)tt)anfenb り in, wk jener ©tttnatm ging, ! Da も batb cin- S'orn, be さ ぶ ufafl さ teid^te さ @piel, §tcr ouf ben SBeg, bort gmifd^en T)ovncn fiel ; (S'oe ゆ es (Sebic^te. 67 5Retn 1 ftreuc fhig jok rei ゆ, mit tnannltd^ fteter §anb, ! Den ©egen au さ auf etn geadert 8anb ; ! iDann Ia| eg ru^n: bie gmtc mirb erf ゆ eineti 190 Unb bt^ beglUden unb bic J)emcn. 56. 3 ま dnitn さ ♦ T)er aWorgeti fam; e さ f ゆ eud^ten feme 2^ritte $Den leifcn ©d^Iaf, ber mid^ gelinb utnfing, $Da§ x6), cvtoa6)t, au さ tneiner ftillen ©utte ! Deti S3erg l^inauf mit frifd^er @cete ging; frcute m\6) bci cinem jcbcn ©d^ritte 5 J)er neuen Slutnc, bte DotI Sropfen り ing ; I)er jungc SEag e ゆ 06 \x6) mit gntjtiden, Unb atte さ ttmr erqutdt, tnid^ ju erqutcfcn. Unb tDtc id) fticg, jog Don bem き lug ber SBicfen ®n 5Rel)cI p ゆ in ©tretfen \ad)t l^er り on 10 6r to\6) unb n)ed^felte mtcf) }U umflicgcn, Unb tou6)^ gepgcit mir um さ gaupt empor: ! De さ f ゆ iftien SKd さ follf id) nicf)t tnc^r geniegen, ! iDie ®egcnb betfte mir tin triiber glor; Satb fa り \6) mx6) Don SEBoIfen n)te umgoffen 15 Unb mit tnir felbft in ! Dammrung cingefd^Ioffen. 2luf cintnal fcfjien bic (Sonne burcfijubrmgen, 3m 9?cbe{ lieg eine S?tar り eit fel^n. ©ier fanf er leife fi ゆ ^mabjufd^totngen ; ©ter teilt, cr fteigenb ゆ urn SBalb unb §6 り 化 2o SBic ^offf xi) xf)x ben crften ®xu^ ju brtngen ! @ie り offf 16) na6) ber S^riibe boppett fd^ott. 68 (Settles <5ebid?te, ! iDer tuft'ge S'ampf mx latige nicf)t DoHenbct, (Sin ®lanj utngab micf), unb i ゆ [tanb gebtenbct 25 SSatb macf)te mid^, bie 3lugen aufjuf ゆ lageti, (Sin tnnrer Srieb be さ ©erjen さ tDteber fU り n, 3 ゆ Jonnf e さ nur mit f ゆ tiellen S3licfen njagen, ! Denn alle さ f ゆ ieti ju brennen unb ju glul^n. ! Da fd^tDebte mit ben JBolfcn l^ergetragen 30 ®n gottlid^ SBeib Dor meitten 9lugen り hi, Sein fcfjoner SSUb fa り xij in memem geben, ®ie fa り mii) an unb blieb DertDeilenb fcfjtDebcn. S'ennft bu mtcf) ni(^t? fpracf) fie tnit einem 3Kunbc, ! Dem aller 8ie か unb 2^reue Zon cntflog : 35 Srfennft bu tntcf), bie iij in tnand^e SBunbe ! iDe さ 8ebeti さ bir ben reinften S3a{fam gog? 2)u tamft mx6) mljl, an bic ju ett),gem SSunbe • J)em [trebenb §eq fief) feft unb feftcr fd^Iog. ©a り bid) nt(^t mit り ei も en §eqen さ ゆ rtttiett 40 311 さ Snabe f(^on nad^ mir bid) eifrig fe り neti? 3a ! rief id) au さ, tnbem x6) felig niebcr 3ur 6rbe fanf, tang l^ab, \6) bid) gefu^It ; 5Du gabft tntr dtn% totnn huv6) bie jungen ©lieber ! I)te 8eibenfcf)aft fid) ra 卩 to さ burd^getDu^lt ; 45 ! t)u り aft mir tok mit ^immlifd^etn ©efieber 2lm も eigen Sag bie ©ttrtte fanft gefii り it; !t)u fcfjenfteft mir ber grbe befte ©aben, Unb iebe さ ®IM n)ill burd^ bi ゆ nur ^aben I 5Dtcf) ntnxC id) nid^t* 3 加 り iir, id) t>\6) Don Dielcn 50 ®ar oft genannt, unb jebcr ^eigt hid) fetn, ©in iebe さ 3lugc glaubt auf h\6) ju jielen, き aft iebem 3luge n)irt) bein ©tra^I jur や eitu <8oetl?es (8ebid?te 69 9ld^, ba x6) irrte, り att, xij Diet ®efpielen, ! Da x6) bid) fenne, bin id) faft attein ; nxu^ mein ®IU(f nur tnit tnir felbft genie^en, 55 J)em l^olbc^ gid^t uerbeden unb Derfdpe^tu @ic W ゆ elte, fie : T)U pe り ft, xoxt Hug, S03ie notig ma ビさ, tu6) tDettig ju ent^UIIcn ! ^aum bift bu ficfjer Dor bem grobften Srug, ^aum bift bu §err Dom erften itmbertDttlen, 60 @o glaubft bu hid) fcfjon Ukrntenfd^ genug, SSerfdutnft bie ^flid^t be さ aWatme さ gu erf uUen ! 2Bie Diel bift bu Don anbern unterfcfjieben? (Srfenne Wd^, leb' mit ber SEBelt in ^ricben ! SSerje ゆ mix, rief au さ, \6) memt, e さ gut ; お ©oil td^ umfonft bie 3lugcn off en ^aben? ®n fro り er JBille lebt m memcm Sdint, S6) fenne ganj ben SBcrt わ on bcinen ®aben ! き ttr anbre lud^ft in tnir ba さ ebte ®ut, farm unb tDtll ba さ ^funb nidjt me り r り ergra6en! 70 SBarum fucfjf id) ben 2Beg fo fel^nfud^t さり oU, JBenn x6) ゆ ti nicf)t ben ^riibcrn jeigen foU? Unb n)ie mid) ba さ り o り e SEBefen 2J?it einetn SSM mitteib'ger 9?ad^ftd^t an; fonnte tntcf) in i り rem 2luge lefen, 75 SBa さ i ゆ Derfe^lt unb nm さ \6) xti)t ge ゆ an, @ie lacfjelte, ba mx \6) \i}on genefen, 3u neuen Reuben ftteg mein ®eift l^cran } Oct) fonnte nun mit innigem SSertrauen Widj ju if)r Ti ゆ n unb ゆ re 3l'dijt f ゆ auen. 80 (Soett^es gntbedt mir bie giebfte, gntbccft tnir mein ®Iucf ! 20 5 10 (Soetljes (Sebi^te. D er Sdimadfttnhe. §icr Hag, x6) tjevborgeti ! Dcm tauenben 3Korgen 2Wem cinfam ®ef ゆ icf. SScrlannt Don ber aWengc, SBie jiel)' x6) hi さ Sngc 卿 ftille jurUd ! £) jdrtltd^c I)ecff cr aUe さ in bic Sreif unb §o^e. ©tellf em Senate fi(^ ntir an bic @cttc, ©agte : Stcber き reunb, tok tnagft bu ftarrcnb 9luf ba さ leere SCu ゆ gefaffen fd^auen ? ©aft bu bcnn jum 5Kalen unb jum S3tlben 2lIIc 8uft auf en)ig mo り I Derloren ? ©a り idE) an ba« S'inb unb badfjte ^eimlid^ : SBitl ba さ 观 bd^en bo ゆ ben aWeifter tnad^en 1 SEBHIft bu itnmcr triib unb mii^ig btetbcn, ©pracf) ber Snabe, fanti m6)t^ 奶 uge さ mcrbcn : @i ゆ, xi) n)tll bir gleicf) ein ®ilbcf)en malcn, D ゆ em pbfd^e さ S3ilbcf)en malcn lel^ren, Unb er ricf)tctc ben geigefinger, 、 ! Der fo x6tlx6) toax tok einc $Rofe, 9?ad^ bem tDeiten au さ gefpannteti SCeppi ゆ, ging tnit feinem ginger an ju jcii^nen : Dben mat ビ er eittc fd^onc ©otme, J)ie mir in bte 9lugen mfid^tig gliinjte, Unb ben ©aunt ber SBoIfen tnacf)f er gotbett, 8tc5 bie ©tra^Ien burcf) bie SBoIfen brittgcn ; 9Kaltc bann bie jarten, leicfjtcn JBipfel grifcf) erqutcfter Saume, 309 bic ©iigel, gtnen nai) bem cmbern, frci ba^tnter ; (Soett^cs (5ebid?te 77 Unten Itc^ e ビ さ ntcf)t an SBaffcr fc^Icn, 3eicf)nete ben fo ganj natiirti ゆ, J)a5 er fc^ten ttn ©onnenftra^I ju gti お ern, 5)a6 cr fd^ten atn り o り en dtani ju raufc^en. 30 崎 ba ftanben Slutnen an bent gluffe, Unb ba iDarcn き arben auf ber SOSicfe, ®o(b unb ©d^tnclj unb ^urpur unb em ®rttne さ, SUIe さ tt)ic ©maragb unb tDte Sarfunfel ! §et( unb rein lafierf er brauf ben §immel 35 Unb bie blaucn ^ergc fern unb femer, J)ag ゆ, ganj entjudt unb neu geboren, Salb ben Staler, balb ba さ SSilb bcfd^aute. ^aV ii) \>o6), fo fagf er, bir beiDtefen, ®a§ i ゆ biefe^ §anbtt)erf gut り er 卩ゆ e; 40 ®oc^ e さ ift ba さ ®d^tt)crfte no6) iuvMc. 3etd^nete bamadt) mit fpi お em ginger Unb mit grower ©orgfatt an bem SEBiilbd^ctt, ®mb an さ Snbe, ido bie ©onne Mftig SSon bem l^efien ®oben tDtbcrgianjte, 45 3eid^nete ba さ allerltebfte 3Wfibd^en, SOSo^Igebtlbet, gierltd^ angeHeibet, き rifd^e SBangen miter braunen §aaren, Unb bie SOSangen iDorcn Don ber き arte JBie bad gingerd^en, bad fie gebtlbet. 50 D bu ^nabe 1 rief id^, tDcIcf) ein SKcifter ©at in feme ©d^utc bid^ genotntnen, ! ©a 后 bu fo gefd^minb unb fo tiatiirli ゆ Mt^ Hug begmnft unb gut t)ollenbcft? 78 (5oetF?es (Sebid?te. 55 ®a x6) nod) fo rcbe, 卩 ゆ, ba ri ゆ ret ein SEBinbcficn unb fiemcgt bte ®tpfcl, ^raufclt alk SBeHen auf bem gluffc, gutit ben ©deleter be さ Doltfommncn 9Kiib ゆ en さ, Unb, ttm さ mxiS) ©rftaunten tne^r erftaunte, 60 gangt ba さ aJZdbcfien an, ben き u 后 ju rii^rcn, ®e^t }u fommeti, nal^crt fi ゆ bem jOrte, SEBo td^ mxt bem lofen Sel^rev p お e. ®a nun alk さ, atte さ f ゆ bcmegte, ^aurne, glu^ unb あ htmen unb ber @ ゆ Icier 65 Unb ber gartc き u 后 ber 9ltlerf(^5ttften, ©taubt ゆ r tt)o り I, i ゆ fet auf tncmcm き rifeti SEBie ein き elfeti fttU unb feft gebliebcn ? Die (5 leid^gultigen. Somm tnU, ®dt)one, fomm tnit mix jum SCanje ; Sanjcn gel^oret pm feftlicf)en SCag. SSift bu metn © ゆ afe ni^t, fo lannft bu e さ njerben, SBirft bu e さ ntnttner, fo tanjen n)ir bo ゆ. 5 ^omm mit, ®d^5ne, fomm mit mir jutn 2^anje ; Sanjen Der り errlid^t ben feftltd^cn SEag* Die gar tlidjcn. C) り tie bi ゆ, giebfte, Mxtn bte gefte ? C) も Tie bi4 ©ii^e, ma さ Mxt ber SEanj ? SBiirft bu mcin @cf)afe tiid^t, fo mocf)t' td^ nid^t tanjcn, 10 ^letfift bu e さ immer, ift geben ein き eft, O^ne bid^, Siebfte, tomn bte gefte ? D り ne bid^, ©Ugc, さ to'dxt ber Janj ? (SoctF^cs Hc^ お ! Qd) l^abe, toic \d)totx ! meinc ®cbtd)te bejal^tt 5Dcut[^lanb al|tnte mic^ m6), unb granfrcid^ tnod)te mi ゆ tefcn. 30 gnglanb 1 frcunblic^ ctn^jfingft bu ben jcrrfittcten ®a\t ! Dod^ tt)a さ fdrbcrt c« mi ゆ, bag cm ゆ fogar ber gl^incfc aWalct mit ftttgfttt ゆ er ^anb Scrt^crn unb gotten auf ? ^imaU frug eiti Saifcr nac^ mir, e さ l^at fid^ Icin ^5nig Um 禍 belUtntnert, unb @r 請 mir 31 零 ft unb 2Raccn. 6, 35 @me さ STOcTifd^ctt Scbcn, ift ,さ ? J)o^ Jaufcnbc fonticn Sieben uber ben 5Watm, toa さ cr unb mt e ビさ gettian* SBenigcr ift citi ©cbic^t ; boc^ fonneti e さ S^aufcnb gcnicgen, S^aufcnbc tabettu SKcin grcunb, Icbc tmr, bid^te nur fort ! 1. SlHc grci^ctt^ctpoftd, fie mxtn mir imtner gutDtbcr ; 4o SBiflWr fuc^te bocf) nur jeber am gnbe fitr ftc^* 'L? で, (Soetf^es (Sebtd^te 83 SSillft bu Dicle bcfrcin, fo wag, eg, Diden gu bienen. 2Bie gefii^rlid) bad fei, njillft bu eg njiffen ? SSerfu ゆ, さ 1 8. ^otttge tDolIen ba さ ®utc, bie ©emagogen be^gleic^cn, ®agt man ; bod) irren fic fid) : ま enfd^ett, ad), ftnb ftc, tote xoiv. 9?ie gclingt eg bcr 3J?cnge, fitr fid^ gu njollen ; toxv n)i[fcn'« : 45 2)0 ゆ, totv tjcrftcl^ct, fiir mi さ allc wofleti, er jeig, さ ♦ 9. granfreic^^ traurtg ©ef^id, bic ©ro^en mogen'^ bebcnfcn ; 2lber bebenfen fiima^r follen e さ Sleinc nod) m ゆ r. ©roge gingcn }u ®runbc : bod) njer bcfc^it^jtc bie aj?engc ®cgen bic 3)?cnge ? ®a njar aJJcngc ber STOcnge 2: り ratm. 5。 10. 2^oIIc ^txttn \)aV id) erlebt unb l^ab' nic^t crmangctt, ©clbft aud^ ゆ iJric^t }u fcin, tok e さ bie ^dt mix gcbot. 】l. gange {)aben bic ©ro^eti ber grangcn @|)racl)e gef れ o ゆ eti, ©alb nur geac^tet ben 3Kann, bcm fie Dom SKunbc nid)t flog. 5Wun lallt atle さ 9SoIt cntjiidt bie ©pra ゆ e bcr き ranfeti, 55 3iinict, SBW ゆ tige, md)t ! ©a さ ゆ r Dcrlangtet, gc[c^icl|t 12. SaSaf tc^ citt l^au さ ゆ e さ SBeib unb l^iWe, i め bebUrftc, SCrcu fcitt tDoflf i ゆ unb fro り, l^crjen unb fUffen ben 3Jiann. @o foTig, Utttcr anbem gcmeincn Siebcm, cin ©irnc^cn SOltr in SScnebig, unb nie l^orf id) ein frotntncr ®ebct. 60 13. SBunbcm fann e さ mic^ nid^t, bag 3Kenfd)cn bie §unbe fo liebcn, ©enn em erbdrmUd)cr ®d)uft ift, tok ber SWcnfc^, fo ber §unb. 84 <5oe ゆ es <5ebic^te 14. 2Ba さ mit mir bad ©c^idfal gctooQt ? (5 さ todrt Dcmcgcn, J)a« }U fragcn ; bcnn ntcift tt)itt e さ mit t)tclctt nic^t Did. 65 ginen J)ic^tcr }u bilben, bic 3lbftc^t iDft ビ il^tn gelungcn, §fittc bic (Bpra6)t ftc^ nxd)t uniibcmmblic^ gcgcigt. 72, Sent Don gcbitbctcn SWcnfc^cn, am @nbc be さ $Rctc^c«, ttjer l^ilft eixt^ ®d)(ifec finbcn unb fie glitdltd^ bringcn cm さ 8i ゆ t ? 9?ur SSerftanb unb 9icbli^feit l^elfen, e さ fttl^rcn bic bcibcn ©d^IUffel ju Jegli ゆ em ®d^a お, n)eld)cn bie grbc Dertoa り rt* 5 10 15 73. 2Ue Spvobc. 2ltt bctn rcinften griil|tmg«morgcn ®ing bic ®d)ttferin unb fang, Sung unb f ゆ iJti unb ol^nc ©orgcn, S)a§ e さ burc^ bie gclbcr Hang, ®o la la! Ic raQal 2: りり ま bot ゆ r fur citi 3»fiu^cn ^tuei, brci ©d^af^cn glei^ am Drt, ®^alfl|aft blidtc fic ein SSeit^en ; ®oc^ fie fang unb la6)tt fort, ®o la la I Ic valla ! Unb cm anbrcr bot i り r ^Bftnbcr, Unb bcr britte bot fcin §crj ; 5Do ゆ fic tricb mit §crg unb ^anbcm ®o tok tnit ben gdmtncm ®d)crg, 9?ur ta la ! le raUa 1 <5oe ゆ es (Sebic^te 74. 2Ue ^efelirte* ^Bct bent ®tangc bcr Slbcnbrotc ®mg ic^ ftitt ben 9Batb entlang, ! Damon fa^ unb Mie さ bie glotc, ®a6 e さ Don ben gclfen Hang, ®o la la! Unb cr jog nttd^, ac^ 1 an 卩ゅ ntcbcr^ ^Ugtc mid) [o l^olb,. fo fiig. Unb tc^ fagte : ^Btafc tDieber ! Unb ber gute き零 blic^, ®o la la ! aKcinc JRul^c tft 画 tjcrlorcn, SWeine greubc flol^ baDon, Unb id) ]^5rc Dor tncmcn Dl^rcn ^ntmcr nur ben altcn Jon, ®o la la, Ic ralla* u, to. 76. Un Me Srtt^al^lte. ©anb in §anb ! unb Jgi ぽ auf き e ! 8tcbe« Sroabc^cn, blctbc treu ! 8cbe n)ol|l! unb mem き ^Ixppe gai^rt beitt Siebfter nod) t)orbci ; Sbcr tDcnti cr drift ben §afen, 3la6) bcm ©tunne, njieber griigt, SWogen il^n btc ®btter ftrafcn, SBcnn cr o り tie bic^ gcnicgt. <5oe ゆ es <5ebtd?tc. 折 if ゆ gctuagt tft fd)on gcnjonnen, §alb tft fd)on tneitt SBcrl t)olIbrac^t ! ©tcmc Icu(l)tctt tnir tok ©onncn, 9?iir bent geigen tft e さ 9?ac^t. SBdr' id) mUgig bir jur ©cite, S)rU(fte no^ ber Summer tnt^ ; S)od^ in aUcr biefcr SBcite SBirf id^ rafc^ unb nur fUr bi^. ©c^ott ift tnir tm さ gefunbcn, 2Bo toxx einft gufamtncngelitt Unb ben ©tront in Slbenbftunbcn ®anft l|tnutttcrgleitcn fel|n, ®tefe せ a 沖 ehi auf ben SBicfen, 3)tefc ^Bud^cn in bcm §am! 2lc^, unb tiittter alien btcfen SBirb bod) auc^ cin ^itttd^cn fcin! 76, ndt^e ionbc^ glimmer Qn QueUen malt. Q6) fct)e bid), mm auf bent femen SBcge 3)er ©taub fic^ t)ebt ; 3n tiefcr Slad^t, menu auf bem [d^malen ©tcge ®er SBanbrer bebt. <5cve ゆ es (Sebtd?te. Qd) l^orc bid), tDcnn bort mit bum^jfctn 9iaufd^en S)ie 麵 e fteigt. fttUcTi §ame g ゆ, x6) oft ju laufc^cn, SBcnn atle さ f ゆ toeigt, Qd) bin bei bir, bu feift and) no6) fo feme, S)u bift mir nal| I 2)tc ©onnc finft, balb Icud^ten mir bic ©terne* D, toarft bu ba ! 77. nteeres Stitte* S^iefc ©tille l^errfc^t int SBaffer, 0\)ne SRegung vui)t ba さ 9Jlcer, Unb befilmtnert fiel^t ber ©c^iffer ®Iattc gldd^e ring^um^er. Seine 8uft わ on feiner @eite ! Jobe^ftiUc furditcrlic^ ! Sn bcr u 零り euerti SBcitc SRcget fcinc SBeMe fid). 78, (Rludlidtc 5^ お trt* S)ie 5Wcbel gerrei^cn, S)cr ^ttnntel ift l|eUe, Unb SoIu« lofet 3)a« angftlt^c «anb. (g さ faufeln bie 9Bmbc, & rit^rt fic^ bcr ®d)iffer. ®e[(j^n)mbc 1 ©cfc^tDtubc I @ さ teilt fid) bie SBellc, @ さ na^t fid) bie gcrnc ; ©diott fey id^ ba さ 8anb! 88 <5oe ゆ es <5ebic^te 79. UU^i& nnb T^ova* 31 ゆ ! unauflialtfam ftrcbct ba さ © ゆ iff mit jcbcnt SWomentc S)ur ゆ bic fd^aumenbc lut tDcitcr unb njeitcr り hiau さ 1 Sangl^m furc^t fid^ bie ©eleife be さ Siete, worm bie J)el|)l|mc ®|)Vmgenb folgcn, al« flo^' il^ncti bic ^Beutc baDon, 5 3llte さ bcutct auf gtttd ti ゆ e き a り rt : ber rul^igc 迅 oot さ matm 9iu(ft am ®egel gcimb, bad fid) fur atte bcmiil^t ; SSortDdrtd bringt ber ©c^tffcnben ®eift, n)tc glaggenunb 2BiTiH)cI; ©tier nur 卩ゆ t rUtfttjfirt さ traurig gcmcnbet am 3Wa[t, ©iel^t bic :33erge fc^on bitm, bic fc^eibenben, fic^t in bag SWeer fie lo 9?ieberfmfen, finft jeglid^e grcube Dor ゆ tn. 2luc^ Wr ift e さ Dcrfd^tuunben, ba^ © ゆ iff, ba« beincn 3lte ささ, ®ir, ! Dora, ben grcunb, ac^ 1 bit ben Srautigam rtmbt* 3luc^ bu bttdcft Dergcbcn^ tia ゆ mir. 9?oc^ f ゆ lageti bic §crgctt gUr ctnanbcr, boc^, ad^ 1 nun an ctnanbcr nic^t m ゆ r* 15 Stnjiger 3lugenbfi(f, in tDcIc^ent \i) tebte ! bu wicgcft 2lllc S^agc, bie fonft fait mir Dcrfc^tDmbcnbcn, auf. 21 ゆ ! nur im Slugettbtid, tm tcfetcn, fticg mir cin Scbcti Untjcmtutct in btr, xo\t tjon ben ®ottem, l^erab. 9?ur tttnfonft Derfliirft bu mit bctnetn St^tc ben Stiver ; 20 ! Deitt allteuc^tenbcr Jag, ^l^obud, mir t[t cr Dcrl^agt, 3n m ゆ fclber fe りビ i ゆ guvUd ; ba ujiQ ic^ tm ftitlen S55icberl|olcn bic ^tW, ate fie mir tdgfldCi erfd)ien. 9Bar tnogli^ bie ©d^i^nl)cit gu fel^ti unb ni^t ju empfinbcn ? SBirftc ber j^imtnUfc^c SReij ni^t auf bein ftunt|)fe^ ®emiJt ? 25 ^lage bic^, 9lrmcr, ntd|t an! — ®o legt ber ! ©tester cin JRatfel, Siitt[tli(f) mitffiortcTi Dcrf^riittlt, oft ber aScrfammlung in さ D り i*. Scbcn frcuet bie feltne, ber gierlic^cn Silbcr SJcrfniipfung, Slbcr no^ fcl|lct bad SBort, tm さ bic ^Bebcutung Dcmatirt. 3ft e さ enbti^ cntbedt, bonn l^eitert fid) jcbe« ©ctniit auf (goetf^es (Sebic^te. 89 Unb crblttft itn ©cbtc^t ioppdt erfrculic^cn ©inn. 30 mtnm fo f^jfit, Slntor, tia り mft bu bic Sinbe, i)tc bu um« Slug' mtr gc!nii|)ft,na]^in[t fie ^p'dt miv tjintoeg ! gangc fd)on l^arrte bcfrad)tct ba さ ©c^iff auf gUn[tigc ? Uftc ; gnbli あ ftrcbtc ber SBinb gludlt^ Dom Ufcr m さ 3Kccr. Secre griteti bcr O^^S^t^t^ I unb Iccrc Srauntc ber 3^tonft ! お 3f]^r DcrfditDtttbct, e さ blcibt cingig bic ©tunbe mtr nur. 3a, ftc bleibt, e さ bleibt mir ba さ ©tUd ! ic^ l^altc bic^, ! Dora ! Unb bic goffnung gcigt, J)ora, bcin ^Btlb mtr allem. SDfter fal^ ic^ jum 2^entpe( bid) g ゆ ti, gcfc^mildt unb gcfittct, Unb bad SWtttter ゆ en gtng fderlid^ nebcn btr l^cr. 40 ©tig tDarft bu unb frtfd^, gu 3J?arIte bte grud)tc ju tragen ; Unb Dom ^Brunnen, tvic Bf)n ! toicgtc bcm §avLpt ba« ©efiig. ! Da crfc^tcn beiti ©ate, crfc^ien bcin ^aien Dor alien, Unb Dor alien crfdiieti beincr S3eti)cgungcn ^SJla% Dftmal さ l|ab' id) geforgt, e さ miJd^tc bcr ^rug bir cntftiirgcn ; お ! Do^ er l^tclt fid) ftet auf bcm germgettcn S£u ゆ ♦ ©d^onc 9?a お aritt, ja, fo toax gctDOl^nt btc^ ju fallen, SBic matt bic ©tcme ficl|t, tok man ben STOonb fid) befd)aut, ©i ゆ an il^nen erf r cut, unb inncn im rul^igcn S3ufett 5)lic^t ber entfemtcfte SBunfc^, fic ju bcfi^cn, fic^ regt* 50 ^al^rc, fo gtngt tl^r bal^in ! 9?ur gmanjio ® ゆ ritte getrcnnct SBaren bte ©tiufcr, unb nie l)aV id) bic (BdjtvcUe bcrttl^rt. Unb nun trcnnt un« bie grftp ゆ e glut ! 5Du liigft nur ben ^inttnct, aOBclIc ! beiti tierrlic^c^ S3tau tft mtr bie garbc bcr 5Rad^t 5lUe さ rill^rtc fic^ fd)on ; ba fam cin ^nabc getaufcn 55 3ln mcttt DiUetkc^^au さ, ricf ntic^ jum ©tranbc l|mab. ®d)on crl^cbt fid^ bad ©cgal, e さ flattcrt im SBinbc, fo f^jrac^ cr, Unb gcltc^tct, mtt ^raft, trennt fi^ bcr 3lnfcr Dom ©anb. Somm, Sllcfid, fomm ! 2Da brudtc ber toad ere SSater SBilrbig bic fcgncnbe ©anb mir auf ba« lodige Qanpt ; 6o 90 (Soetf^es (Stbxdfte ©orgltc^ rcic^tc bic SDluttcr em nac^bcrcitctcd Sunbel : ©lUdflid) fclire gurud ! riefen fie, gliidlid) unb rd ゆ ! Uttb fo {(^ り htmeg, tm さ ^Bunbctdiett unter bent 3lnnc, 2ln bcr SOtouer ^inob, fanb an bcr 2: り lire bid) [te^n 65 ! Deme« ®arten«. ®u Wd|clteft tnir unb fagteft : 5lteji« ! ®tnb bie Sdrtnenben bort betnc ®e[ellcn bcr き a り rt ? grcmbe Siiftcn befuc^cft bu nun, unb foftlic^c SBarcn ©anbdft bu em unb ® ゆ mud rcic^cn STOatronen bcr @tabt. 3lbcr bringc mir ouc^ tin hx6)M S'ettd^cn ; id) toxU e さ TO IDanfbar jai|len : fo oft l^ab, id) bic ^kxie gctDUtifd^t ! ®tel|en mx id) gcbliebcn unb fragte, nai) SBeife be さ ^aufmannS, ®rft tm ゆ gorm unb ®en)id^t bctner SeftcUung genau. ®ar befc^cibctt ertuogft bu ben ポ rei さ ; ba blidt' ic^ mbeffcn 3la6) betn §alfe, be さ ® ゆ mud さ unfcrcr S'dntgin tt)crt, 75 geftiger tontc Dom ©t^iff bag ®efd)rct ; ba fagteft bu freunbtit^ : TOntm mi さ bem ©arteti nod) citiigc gruc^tc tnit Mr! 3ixvm bie rcif [ten Drangen, bicnjei^engeigen; bad 3Jicer bringt Seine き rtt ゆ te, fic brmgt iegti ゆ e さ ganb nic^t l)crt)or. Unb fo trat ゆ tiercin. J)u brad^ft nun bic grudE)te gefd^dftig, 80 Unb bic golbcttc 8a[t }og tm さ gefdiiirjtc ®ett)attb. £)fter« bat id) : c« fei nun genug ! unb immer nod) cmc @d)oncre gruc^t fid bir, (eifc bcrul)rt, in bie ^anb. gttbU^ famft bu jur 8aubc titnan ; ba fanb p め cm ^orbd^en, Unb btc SW^rtc bog bliil^cnb fic^ uber utt さ り itu 85 Sc^tDcigcttb bcganncft bu nun gefd^idt btc ^d^tc ju orbncn : @r[t bie Orange, bie \6)mx ru り t, at さ cm gotbcncr SaH, ! Dann bie wctc^Itd^c geigc, btc jcbcr J)ru(f fd^on cntftellet ; Uttb tnit SO? り rte bcbcdt tparb unb gcjtcrt bad ©cfd^enf, Slbcr ic^ り ob e さ nit^t auf ; \6) [tanb. SBir fa^cn emanber 90 3tt bic 3lugen, unb mir loarb Dor bem Suge fo trub. QDcincn Sufcn fu^ft' ic^ an mcincm ! IDcti ^errtu^en Sicufen, (Soctf^es (Sebic^tc. 91 ■3 り ti umfd^Iang turn mein 5lrm ; taufcnbmal fii ぎ ic^ ben §at«; 3Kir fan! ubcr bic ® ゆ utter bein §aupt; nun fnu|)ften and) bcine giebfid^cn 2lrme ba さ S3anb tun ben Segludten l|crum. Slmor さ giittbc fiil^lf tc^ : er brildf mt さ genmltig ^ufamtnen, 95 Unb au さ l^etterer お uft bonnerf e さ breimd ; ba flo^ igiiufig bte SEl^rane わ om Slug, ntir l^erab, bu ttjcintcft, xij tpcintc, Unb t)or unb ®IM fd^icn uii さ bte 9BeIt }u Dergctjtt. 3mntcr l^eftigcr ricf e さ am ©tranb ; ba mUttn bic gUge ajitc^ md)t tragen, id) rief : ! Dora ! unb bift bu nx6)t mein ? loo giDig ! fagteft bu Icife* 5Da fdjicncn unfcrc Jl^rclncn, 2Bic burd) gotttic^e 8uft, Ictfc tjont Sluge gel^aud^t. 9?(i]^cr rief ed : 2llcfi« ! 5Da Mid te bcr [udjenbc S^nabc ! Durc^ bic Sl^urc herein, 9Bic er tm さ ^orbd)en etnpfing ! SBie er mtc^ trieb ! 2Btc ic^ bir bic §anb noc^ briidte ! 一 ©d^iffc 105 2Btc id) gefommcn ? ^i) tot\% bag id) cin S^runfener fd^ien, Unb fo t)icltctt mid) auc^ bic ©efctlen, fc^onten ben き atifen ; Unb fd^on bcdtc ber §au ゆ triiber Sntfernung bic ©tabt. gmig ! ! Dora, ttfpcWeft bu ; mtr fd)allt e さ itn Dt)re ajiit bcm ! Dotmer be さ 3eu さ ! @tanb fie ioij nebcn bem Jl^ron, no ©cine Xodjttx, bte ©otttn ber 8tebc ; Me ©rojicn ftanben Ql)x jur ©eitcn ! gr ift gotterbefraftigt, bcr 33unb ! D, fo cite bcnn, ©c^iff, mit alien gitnftigcn SBinben 1 ©trebe, tttad^tiger 傲 ri, trenne Me [cf)dumenbc glut ! ^Bringe bem frcmben §afen mid) ju, bamit mtr ber ©olbfc^ntibt 115 Qn ber SBerlftatt gleid^ orbtie ba さ l^immlif ゆ e ^fanb. ffialirlict^ ! ^ux S^ettc foH ba さ tetti^cn njcrben, ! Dora ! 5Reuttmal umgebe fie Mr, loder gewunbcn, ben §al さ ! gcmcr [d^off' id) nod) ©c^mutf, ben tnannigfaltigften ; golbne ©pangen foQcn bir and) rcic^Itc^ tjergicren bte §anb : 120 Da ttjcttctfrc 9iubm unb ©tnaragb, bcr lieMid^c ©a^jl^ir : ©telle bem © り acintl^ fid^ gcgcnitber, unb ®oIb 92 <5oe ゆ es <5ebtd?te §alte bad (Sbclgeftcin in fd^oner SSerbinbung gufamtnen. O, tote ben Srautigatn frcut, cingig gu f ゆ mUdfeti bie ^Braut I 125 @ ゆ, id) あ erlen, fo bcnf x6) an bic^ ; bet iegtic^cm 9ltngc ^ommt mir bcr liinglid^cn §attb fd^onc^ ®ebilb in ben ©inn. 2^aufc^ctt n)iU x6) unb faufen ; bu foII[t ba« @d)onfte わ cm allem 2Bal|len ; id) tDibtnctc gem aQc bie gabung nur Mr. — S)oc^ tttc^t ©c^tnud unb ^unjctcn allein tjerf^afft bein ©cUcbter: 130 SBa さ em l^iiu さ K ゆ e さ SBcib frcuct, ba さ britigt cr bit au ゆ. gcine ttjotlene J)c(fcn tntt ^urpurfdumen, eiti 8agcr 3u bcrcitcn, ba^ utt さ trauU^ unb we ゆ H ゆ cmpfiingt ; tdftltc^cr gcititoanb ©tudfc. 3>u ftfecft unb nii^cft unb ficibcft 3Kii) unb bi ゆ unb ani) —I noc^ tin britte さ imreiti. 135 ^Bilber bcr ^offnung, taufc^ct mem ^erg! D, tna^iget, ©otter, ! Diefcn gctoaltigen Sranb, bcr mir ben ^ufcn bur^tobt ! Slber auc^ fic Dcrlang' id) gurild, bie fd^tnergli(i)c gi^eubc, SBcnn bic ©orge fic^ fait, grcipd) gelaffcn, mir nal^t 3lx6)i bcr gritttt^en き add, bad SSellcn ber l^ollift^cn ^unbe 140 ©d^rcdt ben SScrbred^cr fo in bcr SScrgtuciflung ®cfitb, 21I« bad gcla^c ©efpcnft mi ゆ f ゆ red t, ba さ bie ©^onc Don fern mir ^eiget : bic Jprc ftel^t tDtrflt^ be さ ©artett さ nod) auf ! Unb cin anbercr fommt ! gUr tl|n au ゆ fallen bie き rii ゆ te ! Unb bic geigc getua^rt ftarfcnbcn ©onig and) ゆ m ! 145 8o(ftfic au ゆ il^n nac^ bcr 8aube? unb folgt er ? D, tnac^t vx\6), i り r ©otter, ©fitib, Demifc^ct bad S3ilb Jcbcr grinnrung in mir ! Qa, cin aWab^cn ift fic 1 unb bie fid) gcf^njinbc bem eincn ®iebt, fie fcl^rct ft^ au^ fdincll gu bcm anbem り erum, 8ad^c ttt^t btc^tnal, 3eu«, bcr frc^ gcbroc^enen ®d)tt)urc ! 150 ! ibonncrc \6)xtdix6)tx ! SCriff ! ― ©altc bic S3tifee guriid ! ©cnbc bic fd^ttjanlenbcn SBoHcn mir na^ ! nftd^tlid^cn 5DunfeI Jrcffc bciti Icud^tcnbcr S3Iife biefen ungHlcfli ゆ eti 3Kaft ! <5oe ゆ es <5ebtc^te. 93 ©trcuc bic'^anfcn utn^cr unb gieb ber tobenbcn SBcQc S)icfc SBareti, unb mid) gteb ben J)clpl|mcn gum SRaub 1 ― 3tm, ゆ r SDhifett, gcnug ! SScrgcbcnd [trebt ゆ r ju fd^ilbcm, 155 2Bic fi^ ^^amtner unb ®Iii(f n)ed)feltt in licbcnbcr Sruft. ^citen fimnet btc SBunbcn i り r tti ゆ t, Me 3lmor gcfc^Iagcn ; 5lbcr ginberung fotntnt citigig, ゆ r ©uteti, Don tn6). 80. Xenien* \. Dcr propljet. ©(^abc, bag bie 9?atur nur ctnen aWctifd^cn au さ bir fd^uf, ! Oenn jum njitrbtgen SWann h)ar unb ^unt ®d)elmcn bcr ©toff, 2. Dcr purtjl. ©tnnreid^ bi[t bu, bic ®|)rac^c Don frctnbcti SBortcm ju faubcm : 3lnn fo fa^e bod^, greunb, tok man ^ebant und t)crbcutfd)t, 3. IDer glaubt's? „9?ctt)tott l^at fic^ gcirrt ?" Qa, bop|)clt unb breifad^ ! „Unb tok 5 benn ?" Sange ftel^t e さ gcbrudt, aber e さ lieft e さ feiti aWenfd^. 'k. itn bie pljilifler. き reut euc^ bc« ©c^mettcriing^ ntd^t, ber 538[eti)id^t geugt cud^ btc 9iaupe, ! Die cuc^ bctt l^crrti^ctt ^o\)l, fa[t au« ber ©cpffet, tjerjel^rt 5. SBaS tft bad ©c^ttjcrfte Don aHcm ? 9Ba« Mr bad gci^teftc biinfct, SJlit ben Slugen ju fel^n, Dor ben Slugen bir ticgt, 10 6. Stage tt)arft bu bcm gbetn unb bticbcft bod^ ber Sllbcme ? 9?(il^cr 3Bar ゆ m bcr ®tul|l, m cr fag, aber er blicb nur cin @tul^t* 94 81. 2)er ^({inefe in Hont«. gtnen S^incfcn fal| x6) in SRotn ; bie gcfamtcn ©cbdubc Sitter unb ttcuerer ^txt fc^ienen ゆ m Idfttg unb fd^mer. I fo feufjt' er, bic SlntiCTi! id) り offe, fic foUcti bcgrcifcn, SBic crft ©ttulc^ctt Don §oIg tragcn beg ! Da ゆ e さ ©ejcit, 5 Dag on fatten unb happen, ©efd^nife unb butitcr SJcrgoIbung bc« gcbUbeten Slug さ fcmcrer @inn nur crfreut. ©i ゆ e, ba glaubt' i ゆ, hn 迅 ilbe, fo tnattd^ctt © ゆ warmer ju fc^auen, J)er fcin luftig ©cfpinft mtt bcr fottbcn 9?atur gtuigcm Ztpp\6) わ ergleid^t, ben ed)tcn, rcinen ©cfunben lo ^ranf nennt, bag ja nur c r り ei§e, bcr Srattfe, gefunb. 82. 2)er SOtaif^vdhcv. Slmt am Scutel, Iranf am gevjcti ®d)Ie|)|)f \6) tncine langeti S£agc. Slrmut tft bic grogtc ^lage, atci^tum ift bag り 5 き ®ut ! 5 Unb, }u cnben metne ©d^mcrgen, ©itig i ゆ, cincn ©d^afe ju grabcn. aWeinc Seele follft bu り ateti! ©c^rieb id) り in mit eignem Slut. Unb fo gog id) ^rcif urn Srcifc, lo ©tetttc tDUttberbarc ^lammcn, S^raut unb S'no ゆ etttuerf jufammcn : ! Die 53cf(^tt)orung mx DoUbrad^t Unb auf bic gelcmtc SBeife (Soctt^cs o^I iibcr icticm き u さ! vSic aber ift iDeggejogen Unb tt)cit m bod "ianh ^moud. (Soe ゆ es (Scbi^tc. §mau« in Im さ 8anb unb ttjeiter, SSiclIcic^t gar tiber bic @ec. SSoritber, i^r ©ci^afc, t)oruber ! ! Dcm ©c^dfcr ift gar fo ま り ♦ 91. tlifd^lie^. 3Kici^ ergreift, x6) tt)e 玲 ntd^t vok, §imntlifd^c« 53c^agcn, SBtll mid^S ctttja gar り inauf 3u ben ©temen tragen ? ®od) x6) bicibc lieber l^ier, ^ann idj) rcbtidE) [agen, ©cim ©efang unb ®tafc S33em 9luf ben Sifd^ ju f ゆ lageti. S33unbert cud^, ゆ r greunbe, ni ゆ t SBic id) mid) gebcirbc ; aSirflicf) ift c« allerlicbft 2luf bcr Uebeti Srbc : J)arum fd^ttjor' id^ feierlid) Unb o]^tt, alle gii^rbe, Dag td^ mid) nic^t fret)etttfi(f| SBegbegeben iDerbc. ! ©a iDtr aber aQjutnal @o bcifatnTnen toeiten, ゆ t, i ゆ, ftiinge bcr "ipolat 3u be さ J)ic^tcr« 3^Wen, ®utc greuttbc gic^en fort, SB ギ cm l^unbcrt SKrifeti, ! Carum foil tnoti l^icr am SDtt Sltijufto^cn cUctt. Scbc mcr ? cbctt [d^offt ! ! Da さ ift mcinc お e り re, Unfcr Sottig bcnn わ oran, 3f^m gcbU^rt bic g^rc. ®cgctt hm- utib fiugcm gcinb ©ctjt cr 卩ゅ jur 2Bet)rc ; 5ltt^ gr^aftcn bcnft cr jmar, SKc^r nodf, voxt cr me り re, 9lutt bcgrtil' td^ fic fogfeid^, @ie, bie cinjig ginc. 3fcbcr bcnfc rittcrlicft ®i ゆ iobci bic Seine. SKcrfct and) tin f droned S'mb, SBctt td^ cbctt mcinc, 9?un, [o ttidc fic mir ju : 8eb, cm ゆ fo bcr ajicitic 1 grcuttbctt gilt bad brittc ®(a も 3 加 eim obcr brcicn, ! J)tc mit uii さ 瞧 guten Slag S ゆ im fttllen frcucn Uttb ber 9tcbcl triibc 9ia ゆ t iti^ Uttb fei ゆ t jcrftrcucn ; ! C^icfcn fci citi ^od) gebrac^t, Slltctt ober ncucn. (Soctl^es grticfet ftd) ieber ein ®d)at}d)ett. (Soctljcs (Scbic^te. ! Da tjfeift e さ unb getgt e さ unb flinget unb Hirrt, Da I'ingett ,さ unb fd^teift e さ unb raufc^ct unb xomi, S)a t)i)>erf« unb Inipert ,さ unb fliiftert ,さ unb \6)tomi] ! Da さ ©rdfleitt, e さ btidet ^tnuber, g さ biinlt ゆ It, af さ lag' er tm giebcr. 3?un b(tp:pelt ,さ unb rttppdt ,さ unb Ua\>ptxt'^ im @aal 3Son SSanlen unb ©tii^Icn unb Jif^en, Da tDill nun em jeber am fe 卩 lichen SDtal^I ©id) ttebeti bem 8iebd^cn erfrif^en; ®ie tragen bie SBiirfte, bte ©(^tnlen fo Hein Unb SSraten unb gif^ unb ©epgel f(crein ; g さ Ireifet beftanbig ber loftU^c fficin; Da さ tofet unb fofet fo (ange, 93erfd^tt)inbet jute お t mit ©efange. Unb [oUen voir 卩 ngen, tt)a さ ipeiter gef^ ゆ ti, @o fd^tDeige ba さ SToben unb SEofen. ©enti er fo artig im Heineti gefe^n, @rfu り r er, genog er im grogen* Strompeteti unb flingenber, fingenber ®(^aC Unb SBageti unb 9ieiter unb briiutlid^er © ゆ tt)at( @ie lommen unb jeigen unb neigen \\6) aiV, Utiid^Iige, felige Seute, ®o ging e さ unb ge り t e さ nod) l^eute. 94:. Her Hattenfan^er* Si) bin ber tt)of((beIanntc ©dnger Der Dielgereiftc Siattenfiinger, (5oetties (Scbtc^te ! Den biefe altberii^mte ©tabt ©eiDtg befonber^ tiotig り at. Uttb mttren ,さ dtattm no ゆ fo わ iele, Unb ipareti SBicfel tntt im ©piele; SSon atleti fttubr' id) biefeti Drt, ®te Tniiffeti mitemanber fort. ! Datttt i[t ber gutgetauntc ©dnger 3Kitunter an6) ein Sinberfanger, ©er felbft bie mUbeften bqh)ingt, SBenn er bie golbnen 2Karci^en fingt* Unb tDdren Snabeti no ゆ fo tru お ig, Unb iDciren SKabd^en no^ [o ftufeig, 3n meitte ©aiteti greif i ゆ ein, @ie miiffett aUt ^interbrein. SDann ift ber Didgeipanbte ©anger ©clegentltdi ein SWab^enfanger ; feittem ©tabtd^en (atigt er an, 2Bo er ,さ ni^t mand^er ange ゆ cm* Unb tDiiren SWabd^cn nod^ fo btobe, Uttb ipareti SBciber no ゆ [o \px'6\>t, T)od) alien mirb [o liebebang SSei 3auberfaiten unb ©efang. (aSon 2lnfang.) 96, 3er0fd^io^« S)a broben auf jetiem ©erge, J)a fte^t eitt afte さ ®i)lo% 28o り inter St^oren unb 51 り ttren ©on 卩 lauerten SRitter unb 9?og. 114 5 lO 15 20 25 30 Scrbrattttt finb S^ttren unb Z\)ovt, Unb UberaK ift e« fo ftitt ; ! Da^ alte Derfallnc ©cmaucr S)ur^IIcttr' x6), tok id) nur toxU. §icmeben lag cin Seller, @o DoH Don Kftlh^em SBein ; 9?utt [teigct nic^t me り r mit ^rugcn ! Die SeHneritt Inciter り itiein. ®ic fefet ben ©often im ©aalc 5Kt^t me り r bie SSed^er um^cr, ®tc fuHt gum l^ctUgen 2Ka^Ie Dem ^faffeti ba さ gldfd^d^en tiic^t tnel^r. ®te retc^t bem liiftemen Snappeti ゆ t me^r auf bem ©atige ben Xxant Unb nitnmt filr pt^tigc ®abe • 3lx6)t me り r ben piid^tigen iDanL J)ettn die Satfeti unb SDedeti, @ie finb [d^on tange わ ertrcmnt Unb SEre 沖, unb ®ang unb ^aptUt 3tt ©d^utt unb STriimmcr わ ermnbt' 5Do^ ate mit S^tf)tx unb glafc^c 5Ka(^ biefeti felfigen ^of(tt ott bem Inciter 卩 en iage 2Rem giebd^en fteigen gefc^n ; S)a brangte fid) frol^c^ Se^agcn ^erDor aug わ eri5beter dinf), 5Da ging, さ tt)ie in olteti ZaQtn SRe^t feterli^ ipieber ju; <5oe ゆ es (Sebxdfte, 115 ate tuareti fur [tattli^c ®a[te Die ipeiteftctt JRiiume bereit, 9tt« tanC tin ^ftr^en gegangett 35 3ht さ iener tiid^tigen ^tit ; 911^ ftunb' in [einer ^aptUt ! Der ipUrbige ^Pfaffe fc^on ba Unb fragte : SBollt xijx einanber ? SBir aber ta^dten : ^a! 40 Unb tief betDegten ©efiinge De さ gergen^ tnnigften ®ruttb, @« jeugte, [tatt ber SJienge, iDer gc^o fc^allenber SKunb. Unb ate fid) gegen ben 2lbenb 45 3m [titlen alle さ Derlor, ! Da blidte bie glu^enbe ©otitic 3um ゆ roffen ®ipfel m)por. Unb ®M 沖 unb ^eHnerin gtattjen 3lte §erren tuett unb breit ; so ®ic tttmtnt jum Svebetijen Uttb er jum ! Danlc fi(§ 3eit. 96. Yanitas ! vanitatum vanitas ! ^i) \)aV mein ®ac^ auf ni(§ は geftetlt. 3it 称 ! ! Drum ,さ fo too\)l mix in ber SBclt き 柳 116 5 lO 15 20 25 30 Unb h)cr mill mem ^amcrabc feiti, ! Der ftoge mit an, ber [timme mit cm 53ei biefcr 5Keigc SBeitt, Si) fteCf meitt ®ac^ auf ®clb unb ®ut, き 称 1 Dariiber Derlor ic^ greub' unb 3JZut. D toe り! J)ie aKiinge roHtc f(ier unb bort, Unb ^af^f td^ fie an eiticm Drt, 9lm anbem toax [ic fort. Sluf SBeiber )tcHt' i ゆ nun tnein ®a(^. 3 赠 e ! Da り er tntr lam met Ungemad^. ! Die galfc^e fu ゆ t, ft^ em anber XtH, S)ie 2^reuc ma^f mir gangcmeit, S)ie S3e[tc ttjar tii ゆ t feil. ■3 ゆ ftetit* meitt ©ac^ auf 9ieif unb き ゆ rt. き 称! Unb licg meine SSaterlanbe さ art, Unb mir be^agf e さ ntrgcnbd rec^t, ! Die toft nmi* fremb, ba さ S3ett ipar fi^Icc^t, 5Kietnattb Dcrftanb mid^ rec^t Sd) ftetlf mein ©at^ auf 3tnf)m unb @ りビ * Unb fiel^ ! gfeic^ l)atf em anbrer m ゆ r. 2Bie id) mid^ り att, l)en)orge ゆ an, ! Da fallen bie 8eute f ゆ eet mi ゆ an, §atte feinem SRe ゆ t gctfjan. fefet, tnein @a ゆ auf S^am^f unb ^rieg. き 称 1 Unb im さ gclang fo manner @ieg* 3u6)\)c ! Sir jogen in 、き eitibed 8anb り itiein, ©em き reunbe foUt ,さ ni^t Diet beffer feitt, Unb iS) Dcrlor ein Sein, 5Kutt IjaV \6) tnein auf tiid^t さ geftellt* 3 赠 e ! Unb Tnein ge^ort bie ganjc SBelt* 3^u"e 1 3u @nbe ge^t nun ©ang unb ©c^mau さ ♦ 3?ur trittft mir atle 9?eigen au さ; ! Die le お te mug り erau さ! 97. まゆ ifto ゆ eUs ^pvidii. ©0 mar e さ fd^on in nteinen Stagen, (Sin ieber [d^tdgt gar ^od| fi^ an, Unb tuiirbeft bu fie atte fragen ; iDa さ 28 ゆ tigfte り at er getl^an. & laftet fd^iper bie f ゆ mere 8aft, ! Die fetber bu tragen fjaft, Unb ob ein anbrer a^jt unb fcic^t, gur t)i ゆ ift feme ©iirbe fei ゆ t* 118 <5oett{es (Scbici^tc. 98. mddiii^CB ^bcvva^d^cn. Sin ©trorn cntraufc^t ummolftem J^elfenfaalc, S)em Djcan 卩ゅ eilig ju Derbinben ; 3Ba« aud^ [id^ [piegetn mag Don ®ruttb ju ©rtinben, @r tDanbett unauf^altfam fort ju Sl^ate. 5 2)fimomfd^ aber ftiirgt ntit eitiemmale 一 3 り r folgten SSerg unb SBalb in SBirbetotnben 一 OreaS, S3 ゆ agen bort finben, Unb り emmt ben 8auf, begrenjt bie lueitc ©djale. Die SBeKe fpriil^t unb [taunt gurucf unb mcit^et lo Unb fc^tDillt bergan, fi^ tmtner [elbft ju trinfen ; ®e り emmt ift nun ium SSater り in ba« ©trebcn. ©ie fc^matift unb ru り t, jum @ee juriidgcbcic^ct ; ®eftime, fpiegctnb fic^, bef ゆ cum ba« SImlen S)c« SBeKenfd^tag^ am gete, em tteite さ Scben. 99. Hie tUbcnbc abcvmaH. SBarutn tDteber pm papier mi ゆ menbc? ! Da« mu^t bu, Sicbfter, [o bcftimmt nic^t fragen : ! Denti eigentfi ゆ ^ab' tc^ bir nid^t« fagen ; S)od^ fommt ,さ jule お t in beinc ticbcn ©iinbe. 5 id^ ntd^t fommen faun, [oH, \^ fenbc, 2Kcttt Uttgeteittc« §er き ^iniibertragcti 3Ktt SBottttett, ©offttungen, gntjudcti; ^(ageti : ! Dag allc^ l^Qt nid^t 3lnfang, り at nid)t gtibe* (Soetl^es <5ebxdfte 119 3^ mag Dom l^cufgen STag bir nid^t さ わ ertraueti, 2Bte fi ゆ im ©hmen, SBUnf^en, SBa^nen, ffioKcn lo SKein treueS §erg ju bir l^tniiber ipenbet : ®o ftanb id^ eitift わ or bir, bid^ atijuf^auen, Unb [agte tii ゆお, SBa さ ^dtf ゆ fagen foKen? 2Jiettt ganged SBefen mar in fi ゆ わ ottetibet. 100. 3n Siammbvidt bcv jcltnjdi^ivi^cn 3ertlia von tobcv^ 3cno, ben 13. SRai 1809. ffiie btc SSUiteti ^eute brmgeti 9lu さ ben aufgefd^tognen «3tt)eigett, 2Bie bte aSogel ^eute [ingcn 3lu さ bur^fid^tigen ©eftraut^eti, ®o begleitet reif unb (ebe 5 Unb [0 freunblt^ nimm unb gebe. 101 • Ergo bibamus ! §ier fittb toxv ijerfammelt ju lobli^em Xf)mi, ! Drum, S3ruber^en 1 Ergo bibamus. ! Die ©Icifer, 卩 e ffingeti, ©efprd^e, [ie ru^n, Sc^erjiget Ergo bibamus. ! Das ijd^t noi) eiti alte さ, ein tii^ttgc^ 333ort : 5 @ さ paffet gum (Srften unb jjaffet fo fort, Unb fd^allet em (ii)o t>om fefllic^en Ort, ©in ^errli^e^ Ergo bibamus. 120 on SdjiUcr. 2)cn 10. Sluguft 1819. SBdl fo Diet ju fagcn tt)ar, SBu^f id) Tiic ^お JU I'agett, Db bie ©latter gtetc^ cin Saljx 2Kir t)orm Slugc lagen. -3c(jo, ba bu fic cntfulirt, 5 2Kag bic ^ebcr tt)altcn ; 5Denn e さ bleibt, xok 卩ギさ gebii り rt, 3'Tntncrfort bcim Slttetu 2Kilbe gum 9Scr[tanb(ic^)en SBirb bic 2Kutter malinen, 10 ©eutenb jum UnenM ゆ eti 3luf be さ aSater さ S3al)nen. <5oetIjes <5ebt(^te 136. €int 疼 ©cute ft ギ ic^ mcine SBad^c SSor be さ ネ arabiefe さ SEIjor, SBeig ni ゆ t grabe, wit ic^ ,さ macf)e, S'omtnft mir fo dcrbad^tig t)or I Db bu unfcm 3Ko さ tmhtett Slud) re ゆ t cigcntlic^ Dcmanbt ? Db beta Sampfcn, bein 23crbienen 35 ゆ (m さ ポ arabieg gcfanbt? 3 晰 t bu bi^ ju jcnen ^etben? Sdge beine SBJunben an, ©ic mir り mtid^e さ Dermclben, Unb ic^ fiiljrc bi ゆ l^cran. Didjter. Stid^t fo Diclc^ gebertefen! 8a6 mic^ immcr nur ま hi: 35cnn ゆ bin ein 3Jlen\^ gciDcfcn, Unb ba さ I|ei|t citi Siimpfer fcin. (S^drfe bcinc friiffgctt ©tide ! ©icr bur ゆ fc^ttue biefe ©ruft, ©fe り bcr Scben^iDunbctt ZMe^ ®iel| bcr 8icbc«tt)unbcn Snft! Unb boc^ fang ic^ gtciub'gcrlDcifc : 5Da| mir bie ©cliebtc treu, bic SBelt, tvie fic auc^ freife, !i?icbet)oM unb banfbar fei. (Soett^es <5ebtd?te. 151 3Rit ben SErepd^ftcn gufammcn 25 2Birft, id), bi^ ic^ mir eriattgt, 2)a| Tncin 9?am, in 8iebe さ flantmeti 23on ben fd^onften gerjen pratigt* Stein ! bu tt)(it)lft niijt ben Oeringern 1 ®ieb bic §attb, ba^ STag fiir Sag 30 ^6) an beincn jartcn gingem gwigfeiten jci^len mag. • 137. Cttft tttU^ QuaU ^abe fa^ ic^, gifdicrfnabe, 3luf bent fdiwarieti gcte tm 9Keer, Unb bercttenb fatfd^e ®abc, • ®ang x6), Icmf ゆ enb ring さ um り er. 3lnge( f(^tt)cbte lodcnb nieber ; s ®tei ゆ ein gif ゆ lein ftrcift unb f ゆ ttappt, ®c^abcnfrol)c ©c^clmenlieber 一 Unb ba さ gifc^ilcm war erto^pt, 3lc^ ! am Ufer, bur ゆ bie glurcn, 3^it さ ©cftiiftc tief jutn gain, 10 き olfgt, ic^ einer ©o^Ic ®purcn, Unb bie ^irtin toax allritu Slide finlen, SBortc ftoden ! 一 SBic cin SEafdjcnmeffcr fc^nappt, gagtc fic mic^ in bic お odeti, 15 Unb ba さ Subc^en mv txtappt aBcig bod) ®ott, mit tt)et ゆ ent §irtcn ®ie auf さ neue fic^ ergeljt 1 (Soe ゆ es (Sebtc^te. aJhiB ゆ in bag SJiecr mx6) gurtcn, 2Bic e さ faufet, tt)ie e さ tt)e^t SBcnn mid) oft im 9?e お e jammcrt ! Da さ ®ett)iinmct gro も unb flciti, ^^tnmer mb6)f \6) nod) umflammert 5Roc^ mm ゆ ren Slrmen fein! 138. SBctttt ic^ auf bent SWarftc ge り, ©ur ゆ さ ©cbrangc Unb tm さ pbfc^e aWfibc^eit fel^' Sn ber SJJenge ; ® ゆ, ゆ l)ier, fie fommt tjevan, Slber briibcn ; 9?icTnanb fiel|t utt さ bdben an, 2Bie U)ir lieben. ,,2lfter> l)orft bu noc^ nic^t auf ! ^^tntncr SDWbc^en! ^tt bcm jungen &ben さ lauf aSar ,さ ein midjt jefet ben Zaq Derf u^t ? ®ag'« mit tlarl)eit." @el)t ttur が n, tt)ie fic mii) grii も t' e さ ift bie SBa り ゆ eiU 139. 2)u gmgft t)orubcr ? SBic! id) fa り bic^ tii ゆ t; 2)u famft jurild, btd^ l^ab, ic^ tii ゆ t gefcljcn 一 (Soettjes a8 ic^ leibe. SBa さ foC id) nun Dom SBieberfe^en り offen, 9Son Mefe さ Jage さ no6) gcfc^to|ner ©tutc? S)a さ ポ arabk さ, bie §olIc fte^t biv offcn ; SBic wanletfinnig regt fic^ ,さ im ©emiitc ! 一 Scin ^iDcifdn nt ゆ r! ®ic tritt cm さ ©imme おゆ or, 5 tl|rcn Slrmen l)ebt fie bic^ empor, ®o warft bu bcnn im ポ arabie さ ctnpfangcn, Site iDiirft bu iDcrt be さ cmig fd^oncn Sebcnd ; Dir bticb Icin SBunfc^, fcin §offcn, fcin 3Scrlangen, §icr mx ba さ S^d bed innigften S3cftrcbcn^, 10 Unb itt bem Slnfdiaun biefe さ cinjig ©c^onen fficrfiegtc glcic^ bcr QucU fe^nfuc^tiger J^rdncn. 9Bte rcgtc nic^t bev Jag bie rafc^en gliigel, (B6)kn bic aWinutcn Dor fi ゆ l)er ju treiben ! ! Der 5lbenbfu|, em treu Dcrbinblic^ ©iegel : 15 ®o tt)irb c« aud^ bcr ntic^ften ©onne bteibcn. Die ®tunbcn gltc^en fic^ in jartcm SBanbcrn Ste ®d^tt)c[tem ixoax, bod^ fcitte ganj ben anbem. 154 <5octf^es (Sebtdpte. 35er あ ber (efetc, graufatn gcrfc^ncibcnb 20 ®n l^errKd^e さ ©cflcdit t)erfd^tungncr aJimnen. 9?un eUt, nun ftocft ber き ug, bic ©c^ttjeCc meibcnb, 2lt« tricb' em Sljenib flammcnb t^n t)on り intiett ; !Da« Sluge ftarrt auf biiftrcm ポ fab t)crbroffcn, g さ blidft jurutf, bic ポ forte 卩ゆ t Dcrfd^Ioffcti. 25 Unb nun t)crfd^Ioffcn in fid^ fclbft, ate l^dtte 35k さ §erj fid^ nie geoffnet, fcligc ©tunbcn SDWt jebcm @tcm be さ ね unmet さ um bic SBcttc Sin i^rcr ®eite tcuc^tenb m6)t cmpfunben ; Unb ajjigtnut, 9Jcue, SSorumrf, ©orgcnfd^tucrc 30 ©elaften'd nun in fd^witlcr Sltmofp^iirc. 3ft benn bic SBcIt md)t iibrig ? gcIfcniDdnbe, ®inb fic nic^t me り r gcfront Don ^eitigen ®dE)attcn? 2)ie Srnte, reift fie md)t ? (Sin grun ©eldnbc, Sk\)t fi ゆ, さ ttic^t り in am き tu お bur ゆ Sufc^ unb aJiatten ? 35 Unb ttjolbt fic^ nic^t ba さ ubcmctttid^ ®roge, ©eftaltenrcid^c, balb ©cftaltenlofc ? 333ic leid^t unb jicrlidi, Har unb jart gcttjoben, (Bi}totbtf (Stxapij Qltid), au さ ernfter SBolfen S り or. Sit さ glid)' e さ i り r, am blauen Sitt)cr broben 40 gin fcf)Ianf ®cbilb au さ lid^tcm Duft txnpox ; 、 @o fal)ft bu fie in froljem SEangc ttmlten, 2) ie lieblic^ftc ber (icblid^ftcn ©eftalten. 3) oc^ nur aKomctttc barf 卩 bi ゆ untcrtt)inbctt, Sin guftgebilb ftatt il|rcr fcftjul^altcn ; 45 3it さ §erg juritd, bort tt)irft bu, さ beffcr finben, Dort regt fic fid^ in iDed^fcInben ©cftdtcn ; (Soctt^cs (Sebtd^te. 155 3u totclen btlbet eine ficfi l^muber, ©0 taufenbfacfi unb immcr, tmtncr Itcbcr. SBic jum @Tn))fang fie cm ben ^fortcn meiltc Unb mi ゆ Don bannauf [tufcntoei^ bcglucftc ; so ©elbft tm ゆ bent Icfetcn mid) no^ ereilte, ©en le お teftett mir auf bic 2i)f>ptn briicf tc : ®o flar bemegltcti bicibt ba さ Silb ber Sicben, aWit glammenfdirift in さ trcuc §crj gcfcfiricbcn. ■3ti さ ©eq, ba さ fcft tok jinnenl^ol^e SWauer 55 tl^r bemal^rt unb fie in fid^ betoal^rct, gur fie ficfi frcut an feiner eignen ! Dauer, 9?ur toeig Don fi ゆ, toetin fic ft^ offenbaret, @tcf| frcicr ful^It in fo gcliebten © ゆ ranfeti Unb nur no ゆ fcfilagt, fiiv alle さ xf^v ju banfcn. 60 SBar giil^igfeit ju licben, mx Sebiirfen 33on ©egcniicbe tt)cggeIofd)t, DerfcfiiDunbcn ; ■3 卩 $offnung«Iu[t ju frcubigcn gnttoiirfen, gntf^Iuffctt, rafter 5£ り at foglcicfi gcfunbcn! 9Bcnn Siebc {e ben 8icbcnben bcgct[tet, 65 SBarb e さ an mir aufg Iiebltcf|[te gclci[tct ; Unb jtoar buret} fie ! — SBie lag cin inured Sangcn Sluf ®ei[t unb ^oxptx, untDtUfommner ©^toeve : 3Son ©cfiauerbilbem ring さ ber Slid umfangcn tDiiften SRaum beflommner §erjen«Ieerc ; to 9?un bdtntnert ^offnung toon belannter © ゆ toelk, ©ie fclbft crfcfietnt in milbcr Sornieti り elle* ! Dctn き riebeti ®otte さ, toelc^er eucfi l^icniebcn 3Ke り r ate SSemunft bcfcltgct 一 toir lefen'^ 一 156 (Soett^es (Scbic^te. 75 SJerglri ゆ, tc^ too\)i bcr gicbc l^citcm き riebeti 3ti ®egcntt)art bc« allgclicbtcn SScf cn^ ; Da rul)t bd さ §erj, unb tii ゆお わ ermag gu ftoren 3)cn ticfften ©inn, ben @hm, i り r ju gc^orcn. 3tt utifer さ S3ufcn^ 9?ciitc mogt cin @trcben, 80 ® ゆ cinctn §o^cm, JRciitcm, Unbcfantiteti 5lu« Danfbarfeit freimillig ^mgugebcit, gtttratfclnb 卩ゅ ben emig Ungctianntcn ; SBir り ri§eit,g: frotnm fciit! 一 @oIcf|cr fcligcti §6 り e き り t, id^ mi ゆ tri ゆ aft, mm id) t)or ゆ r ftc^c. 85 95or ゆ rem 4BUcf, ti)te toor bcr Sotiitc SBaltcti, 95or ゆ rem Sltem, tt)tc t)or gru^Img^Iuftcti, 3er[c^tniljt, fo Idngft ftd^ cifig ftarr gc^altcn, ©cr Selbftfinn ticf in mititcrlid^en ©ruftcn ; ^eitt ©gcnnufe, leiti gigetiiDillc bauert, 90 9Sor ゆ rem ^OTntncii fxnb ftc mcggcfc^auert. ® さ i[t, aid iDCTtn fie fagte : „Stimb, urn ©tutibc SBirb uit さ bag 2eben frcunblic^ bargcbotcn, Da« ©eftrigc Keg uti さ geringc S'unbc, 3)a さ SWorgenbc, ju ttjiffen t)crbotcn ; 95 Unb iDCtttt id) jc mi ゆ わ or bcm Slbcnb fd^eutc, ! Die ©otmc fani unb fa り nod|, mad tntdi frcutc. "3)rum ゆ u tok td| unb f ゆ aue, fro り t)cr[tdnbi9, Dem augcTiblicf in さ Sluge! ^citi SScrfc^icbcti! S3cgcgn' i^m f ゆ tiell, iDo^tooUenb mie Icbetibig, 100 ^atibclit fei ,さ gur grcubc, fei, さ bcm giebeti ; Star m bu bift, fci aUe さ, immcr fhibt ゆ, ©0 bift bu oHe さ, bift utiubcmmblidi.'' (SoetJ^es (5cbtd?te 157 ©u I)a[t gut reben, im ゆ t, ゆ, gum ®clcite ®ab bir cin ®ott bic ®un[t bc6 Slugetiblicfe さ, Unb {cbcr fi' ゆ It an bciner ^olben @eitc 105 ©i ゆ SlugetiMid さ ben ©unftling bc« ©ef^icf ; ajjid^ fcfirccft bcr JBinf, Don bir mtcfi ju cntfcrncn, 2Bq« l^ilft お mir, fo り ol^e JBei さり eit lemen ! 3lm bin i ゆ fern! 35er jefetgcn aJitnute, SBa さ jietnt benn ber? <3 ゆ lDu|f e さ nid)t ju f agen ; no ©tc bietet mir jum ®cf|onen mand^e さ ®utc, Da さ laftct nur, id) tnu| mi ゆ i り m entfcf|Iagen ; 3Kidt) treibt uml)cr ein unbejtoinglicfi ©e^nen, Da bletbt km SRat aU grengenlofc St^rcincn* ®o quetit benn fort 1 unb flicget unaufl^altfam ; ns iDod) nie geliitig ,さ, bie innre ®lut ju bampfcn I © ゆ on raff^ unb rci|t in tneiner ^ruft gctoaltfam, SBo 2:0b unb geben graufcnb ficfi bcfatn))fcn. SBoI)I ^rduter Qai% be さ mvpev^ Qual ju [tillen ; mein bem ®ei[t fet)If« am gntfdt)Iu6 unb mUen, 120 き e り tfg am Segriff : tvk foKt, cr fie Devmiffen? Sr n)ieberI)oIt if)v ^tlb ju taufenbmalen. ®a« jaubert balb, balb tvivb e さ tt)cggeri|fen, Uttbcutli^ icfet unb jefet im reinftcn ©tra^len ; 2Bic fonnte bie さ geringftem 2:roftc fromtnen, 125 Die &V unb glut, ba さ ©el^cn tvie ba さ tommen? SScrla^t mi ゆ り kr, getreue 9Beggeno[fen! 8a|t mi ゆ aflein am き el さ, in SlRoor unb SKoo さ ; 5Rur immer ju! eucfi tft bic SBelt crfdjloffen, iDie grbe Wcit, bcr §immet り e り r unb gro| ; リ。 (Soctt^es (5ebid?te. Sctracf|tct, forfcf|t, bie ©i^e ゆ eiteti famtncit, 9?aturge^eimni^ toerbe nadigcftammclt. Wxv tft さ 2111, ゆ bin tnir felb[t t)crIorcit, S)cr id) no^ ' er[t ben ®ottern ? icbltng wax; (Sie ))ruften mid), Dcrliel^en tnir ^anborcn, ©0 rei^ an ® ほ tent, reic^er an ®efa^r ; (So briingten mid) gum gabcfeligcn 3)hinbe, @ic trenncn mi ゆ uitb ri ゆ ten tnid^ ju ®runbc. 141. Sd^toff Belrcbcrc in bcv Ubenbfonne* Xin 21. Stuguft 1824. grleud)tet au^cn り ゆ r t)om (gonnengolb, SelDo り Tit im 3'tincrn trauli^, fro り unb り oft, grgeigc fid) bein ganged 8cben fo: 9iacf| au^en I)errli ゆ, innen り olb unb fro り ♦ 142. Bitb 5e& eUerlid^en Qaufes fit ^ranffuri am ntatn. 2ln biefcm Srunnen り aft an6) bu gef))ieft, engen $Rautn bie SBeite り orgefi ゆ It; ©en SBanberftab cm さ fromtner abutter §aTib 9?a り mft bu getvoft in さ fcrn[te 8cbcn«Ianb Unb tnagft nun gem DerIof^ne« Silb emcun, Sim 1^0 り en ^xd Se さ erftcn ®d|ritt« bid) frcun. ginc © ゆ toelle り ieg in さ 8ebcn Uti さ Derfdjicbnc SBcge gel^ti; 9Bar e さ bocti ju cblem ®trcben, ®rum auf frol)e« SBieberf cljn ! (Soctt^cs (Sebtd^tc. 159 143. cmftcn S3cinl^au« mf^, too i6) bcf^autc, SBie @ ゆ ttbe{ @d|dbeln angeorbnet l^agten ; ! Die altc ^ext gcba^f id), bic crgraute. ©ie [tcl)n in SRd り gencmtnt, bie fonft ftcfi I)a|ten, Unb bcrbe Sno ゆ en, bic ficfi tdblic^ f ゆ htgeti, 5 ®tc Itcgen Ircugmd^, gal^tn all り ier ju ra[ten. gntrenfte ©^ultcrbldtter! 5Ba さ fie trugeti, tJragt nicmanb m ゆ r ; unb gicrlid) tl^cifge ©licber, iDtc §anb, bcr き u§ jcrftreut au さ gcben^fugen. Si)X aRuben alfo (agt り ergebeti さ nicber, 10 3tx6)t $Rul^ tm ®rabe Keg man cud), toertrieben ®eib tl^r I)erauf gum li ゆ ten S^age toieber, Unb nictnanb farm bie biirre © ゆ de lieben, SBel^ l^errlicfi eblen Sern fie audi bdtja^rtc. Dod| tnir Slbepten tear bic © ゆ rift gcfdt)rieben, 15 Die ^cirgcn ©inn nict)t iebcm offenbarte, 31I« id) inmitten folder [tarrcn SJicnge Unfcfiafebar り errfid^ cin ®ebilb gctoal^rtc, J)a6 in be さ SRaumc6 aWobcrfalf unb engc ^6) frei unb ttjanneful^Icnb mi ゆ crquicfte, 20 . ob ein Scben^qucU bent S^ob cntiprange, SBic tnicfi gcI)cttnnt^t)oH bic gortn cntgudftc! Die gottgcbadt)tc ©pur, bie ft ゆ er^alten ! ®tt S3ltcf, bcr mi ゆ an {cne« 50ieer entrudtc, ! Da さ flutcnb [trotnt geftcigerte ©cftalten* 25 ©e^eitn ©efft^/ Drafelf))rucl)e fpcnbcnb ! 2Bic bin id) totxt, hid} in bcr §anb ju l)altcn, ! Cid) ^o^ften © ゆ a お an さ 9Wober fromm cntmcnbenb Unb in bie freie 8uft, ju frctem ©innen, 3um ©onnenIicf|t atibtt ゆ tig l^in tnicfi toenbenb. 30 160 (Settles (Sebic^te 2Ba さ latitt bcr ajjcnfcl^ fan Scbcn m ゆ r gciDtnticn m bag fic^ ®ott*5«atur tl)tn offcnbarc ? 2Bie fic bag gcftc lii^t gu ®ctft Dcrritincn, SBie fic ba 各 ©eifterjcugtc feft belDal^rc. 144. ®ebtd)tc finb gcntalte genfterf cf|cibcn ! ®ie^t man toom SJiarft in bie S'ird^c l^iticin, ®a tft alle さ bunfcl unb bU[ter ; Unb fo fie り t, さ aucti ber る err ^^iliftcr : 5 35cr mag bcnn too り t Dcrbric^Kc^ feiti Unb leben^Iang Derbrie|Iicf| bicibcn* ^ommt abcr nur eintnal l^ercin ! SJcgrii^t bic り eilige ^aptUe ; !J)a i 卩, さ auf cinmcl farbig l^ette, lo ®efcf|i^f unb i^kxat glcingt in @cf|ttet(e, Scbeutenb toirtt ein cbler ©dieiti ; Die さ toirb eucfi Sinbem ®otte さ taugeti, Srbaut cu^ unb ergofet bie Slugen 1 145. 5 ゆ ま Xenien. 2Bcr in ber 2BeItgefcf|icf|tc lebt, ®etn 3IugenbKcf foHt' cr fid) ri^tcn? SBer in bie ^titen fcfjaut unb [trebt, • 9iur ber ift toert, ju fprec^en unb bid^tcn 2. @in alter aJiann tft [tet« cin ^onig gear! 2Ba さ §anb in §anb tnittoirfte, ftritt, 3ft Kngft Dorbeigcgangen, aSa さ tnit unb cm bir liebtc, litt, §at 卩ゅ m ember さ ange^ngen ; I)ie iJugent) ift utn il^retmifleti l^ier, @ さ tt)dre tl)oricf|t ju わ erlatigeti: き mm, ciltcle bu tnit tnir. 3. TO ゆお DOTtt SScrganglicfiett, 2Bie'« cm ゆ ge ゆ ゆ 1 Utt さ ju Dcretoigen, @inb tt)ir ia im, 4. „@ag' tiur, toie trcigft bu fo bc^dglicfi Der tollen 3^ugcnb anmagUd)e« SBefeti?" giimal^r fie n^aren miertriigli ゆ, ビ id) ni^t cm ゆ unertriigli^ gemefen. On^ ®icf|ere toiCft bu bicfi bctten! 3d) liebc tnir innercn ©trcit : Denn wtnn toir bic 3 は eifel ntd)t , i)'dtttn, 9Bo mcire benn frol^e ®ett)i 的 dt? 6. ,,!5)ir toarUTtt bod) Derlicrt ®Icicf| all お aSert unb ®ett)i ゆ t?" 162 (Soett^es o(hnon&e» 5)orn&ur8, 25. 21 零 ft 1828. SBtUft bu mtc^ fogleid) わ eriaffetil SBarft ttn 5lugenbUd fo nal^ 1 ! I)tc^ unxfinftcrn SBoIfetiTnaffen, Uttb turn bift bu gar nid^t ba, !! )o ゆ bu fii り Ift, h)te tc^ betriibt bin, 5 SItcft beiti SRanb l^erauf ate ©tern I ^eugeft mir, bag i ゆ geltebt bin, (Set ba さ Siebd^eti tio ゆ fo fern. ®o l^inan benn! l^elt unb l^eHcr, ateiner SSoifu, in り oiler ポ ra ゆ t ! lo @d^Wgt mcitt §erj aud) fd^merglic^ f ゆ tieflei つ Uberfcltg tft We 9ta ゆ t* 149. Bornbur^, Scptcmbev 1(828. gr% tuenti Xi)al, ®ebirg unb ©artcti 9?ebelfcl|(eicm fid^ etitl^iUIett, Uttb bem fel^nlid^fteti gmarten Slumenfet^e bunt ゆ fitllcn ; 2Benn ber Stiver, aBoIteti tragetib, 5 2Ktt betn Harcti STage ftreitet, Unb ein Dfttuinb, fie m'iagetit), . SStaue ©onnenba^n bcrettet ; ! iDantft bu banti, am 53Kd btd^ tueibenb, ateincr 53ruft ber ®rogen, §oIben, 10 SBtrb bic ®onne, rotlid) fctjeibenb, JRrng さ ben gorijotit tjcrgoiben. 170 (Soetljes (Scbtc^tc. 150. ©clbft crfinbctt tft fd^bti ; bod) gliidlid^ り on anbem ®cfttnbnc« grol^fic^ erfannt unb gefd^a お t, nentift bu Im さ tDenigcr bcm? 161. Kn &ie funf^et^n ^reunbe in ^n^lanb. SBeimar, ben 28. 3luguft 1831. SBorte, bie ber ! I)i ゆ ter fpric^t Jreu in り eitnif ゆ eti Sqirfeti, aSirfen gleic^, boc^ iDeife er id ゆ t, Ob fie in bie geme tuirfen. 5 ®ritcn, l^abt [ie aufgefa^t : り iit,ger ©inn, tm さ SE^un gegugelt ; ©tetig ©trebcn ol^ne §aft" Unb jo mUt ゆ r ,さ benn beftegelt. 152. ^ar^erp^idtt. 2)cn 6. TldVi 1832. ®tt jeber tel^re わ or feiner SEpr^ Unb rein tft iebe さ ©tabtquarticr. ®n ieber iibc fein' Scttion, @o toirb e さ gut tm State ftol^n. NOTES The time and place of the first publication of each of the poems in- cluded in this collection is given in the Notes. In case a poem first appeared elsewhere and was afterwards taken by Goethe into his col- lected works, that fact is also mentioned. The following editions of the works were issued under Goethe's direction : @ti^riften, 1 787-1 790, in 8 volumes, Leipzig, Goschen. The poems were in the last volume. Cited in the Notes as ©d^rtftctt, 1 789. 'jfltVLt ©d^riftcn, 1 792-1800, in 7 volumes, Berlin, Unger. The poems were in the last volume. Cited as ^tut ©d^rtftcit, 1800. SBcrfc, 1 806-1810, in 13 volumes, Tubingen, Cotta. The poems were in the first volume. Cited as SBcrIc, 1806. SBerfe, 1815-1819, in 20 volumes, Stuttgart and Tubingen, Cotta. The poems were in the first two volumes. Cited as SBerfc, 1 81 5. The editions following were all published by Cotta. SBcrfe. ^oUflanbtge ^udgabe letter ^anh, 1 827-1 830, in 40 vol- umes. The poems, including SS3efl'0jltUcl^er 3Ht)ait, were in the first six volumes. Cited as SBerf り 1827. Eckermann and Riemer assisted in the preparation of this ^U9gabe letter ^anb ana became Goethe's literary executors, as it were, in the preparation of the two editions following. As Goethe's instructions or wishes must have guided in these editions, they are also cited in the Notes : 9?ac^getaffene SBcrle, 1832- 1842, in 20 volumes. The poems were in volumes 7 and 16. Cited as ^ad)Qt\a\\ent SBcrfc, 1833. SBcrle, 1836, in 2 volumes. The poems were in the first volume. Cited as SBerfe, 1836. All references to Goethe's writings and letters, or quotations from them, unless express statement is made to the contrary, are based on the Weimar edition (®oe ゆ SBcrfc ^erau^gegeben im ^uftrage ber ©rog^ergogin ©op^ie わ on @ad^feit). The publication of this monu- mental edition was begun in 1887 and is not yet completed. 173 174 GOETHES GEDICHTE The list appended to Cotta editions of Goethe's works under the title of (S^ronologte ber @ntfle^ung ©oct^cfd^er @ ゆ rif ten is cited in the Notes merely as (^Qrottotogte. It is by no means always accurate, but gives, nevertheless, useful hints concerning the time of origin of some of the poems. The literature about Goethe has grown to enormous proportions. Much of it has been freely used in the preparation of these Notes. So far as the results of such investigations have become the general prop- erty of students of Goethe, no other acknowledgment of indebtedness is made. In the case of more specific obligations, acknowledgment is made at the proper place in the Notes. The following books have been used more frequently than others and are cited in the Notes only by the names of their authors : 一 @oct^c« ©cbid^tc, 级 usttm り t in d^ronotogifd^er gotgc, mit (Sinteitung unb 5(nnicrlungcn k)on ? ubtuig SBIumc, SBicn, 1892. ®oet^e« Itjxi^dft @ebid^te, crlfiutcrt k)on ^txmid^ ©linger, britte, neubearbcitctc ^uflage, etf)gtg, 1896 ff. Also his edition of 2Bcfl« 5ftti(i^cr 2)it)an in @oe ゆ SBcrIc, 3Stertcr XeU, Berlin unb @tutt* gart, without date. (Kurschner's series.) @oet^ed ©cbid^tc, mit (Sinfcitung unb ? Inmcrfungcn t)on @. k)on ? ゆ er, 3 XdU, Berlin, 1 882-1 884. Also his edition of 2Bep-5|Hi(^er 2)it)aii in @oet^ed SBcrle, お ierter Xtii, 33crltn, without date. (Hem- pePs edition.) ®oct^c8 ©cbid^tc, . , ♦ ^eraudgegeben unb mit ^nmerlungen beglettet わ on gr. ©trc^llc, 3 SBanbc, SBerlin, j886 ff. @oct^c« ©cbid^te, crlfiutcrt ... toon ^tinvid^ お t ゆ off, 2, ^uffage, 2 33(inbc, ©tuttgart, 1 869-1 870. @oct^c« SBricfc an grau Don @tcin, ^eraudgegeben Don ^botf ©tpH 3tt)ettc berDott 卩 ftnbigte ^uffage bearbeitet bon 现 i ゆ elm gieU お, 2 SBfinbc, granffurt, 1 883-1885. 3n bet さ (Btammfmdi Hon f^rtebr^ ^Racimlltan SRootr さ First appeared in S3crflncr ^oittagjeitung, 1865. Goethe tells us in 2) ゆ tung unb SBal ^ゆ ett that he began writing in verse at a very early age, and some of the poems preceding his depar- ture from Frankfort to the University of Leipzig in the autumn of 1 765 have been preserved. As representative of these youthful productions, the last stanza of a poem written by Goethe in the album of his friend Moors is given here. It ended with a quotation from Horace, Risum teneatis amici ! and was signed, % SB* き e ゆり ber fc^dnen SBtffenftJ^afteil Sicb^abcr, 28. Slugujl 1765. 2. m Sel^r 称 First appeared in SBcrfc, 1836. The three years of his student life at Leipzig were of profound in- fluence in Goethe's development. The direct influence of the university was small, but the stimulus given him by his associates, and the social, intellectual, and artistic life of the city were impulses to rapid growth, probably unequalled in his later career. In his letter to his sister, of May 11, 1767 (p. 88), he gives clear ex- pression to his belief in his poetic mission. Nevertheless he was an imitator of the German poets of the day in the form and contents of his poetry. Little that he wrote came from his own experience. In the choice and use of words and in the management of rime he showed, however, astonishing ease and skill. One of the Leipzig friends was Ernst Wolfgang Behrisch (1738- 1809), then acting as tutor to a young nobleman. His years and greater experience in life gave him a sort of intellectual ascendancy over Goethe, which was not always wholesome for the latter morally, but was profitable to him in many other respects. At the suffpestion of his friend, Goethe destroyed most of what he had previously written. In part because of his relations with the young poet, who had lost favor in certain quarters for reasons explained in 2)tc^tung unb 2Ba& ゆ eU, 176 176 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel. 2-4. Behrisch came into disrepute with his employer and was compelled to seek a new position in Dessau. This led Goethe to write and send to him, in the autumn of 1 767, three odes, of which the second is given here. The friendship of the two men continued till Behrisch's death. The metrical structure of the odes shows clearly the influence of the poet Klopstock, while their hysterical tone reveals Goethe's inexperience. 1. 5. The region about Leipzig is flat. 1. 9. ®tMtOti, breeding-place, 1. II. iOldtbeirl^iille, as if the fogs and the vapors from the swamps acted as a covering to hide from view the harmful insects. 3* Der am— き ゆ First appeared in l?ei))}iger ?icbcrbuc^, 1769; taken into 9^ac^ge- laffenc SBerfc, 1833. His letters of the time show that Goethe's literary work at Leipzig was not inconsiderable in quantity. Mucn of it was destroyed and very little found its way into his collected works. Nevertheless a part appeared in print at this period. In the autumn of 1 769, but bearing the date 1 770, appeared a collection of twenty poems without Goethe's name and with the title, 9^cue Sicbcr in 3Rc(obicn flefe お t k)on 33ern^orb ^l^eobor ^reitfopf. This collection is commonly known as ? ei))jiger iBteberbud^. Breitkopf was a few months older than Goethe, who asso- ciated much with members of the family, of which the grandfather was the head of the famous publishing house of the same name. The exact date of composition of 2)cr iD^ifattt^rop is unknown. Goethe's letters while at Leipzig and his account in ゆ tung unb SBal^ ゆ eit (SBcrfc, XXVII, 11 iff.) show that his state of mind in those days was often such that the poem could easily have been taken from his own experience. 1. 3. fommt ♦ ♦ ♦ 6ei, equals, matches, 4. 嶋ぽ unb Xtranm. First appeared in eipjiger ! iMeberbud^, 1769, with the title ! Da9 @Iii(f; taken into SBerfe, 181 5, with the present title. Some time in the year 1768 Goethe gave to Friederike Oeser, the Sel. 4-6.] NOTES. 177 daughter of the Leipzig artist who, as teacher and friend, so profoundly influenced him for several years, a manuscript collection of ten poems, all but one of which were subsequently printed in Seipgiger ! Oieberbud^. This manuscript seems to give the earliest form of the poems. In it ®tu(f unb Xvanm has the title, 2)tt8 ©liid, an Slnncttcn. The maiden addressed was Kathchen Schonkopf, the daughter of a wine-dealer at whose house Goethe dined during most of his stay in Leipzig. He was on very intimate terms with the family, and fell in love with the daughter, she returned his affection, but was often much tormented by his whims and jealousy. Ihe whole affair is described in SHd^tinig unb iBa^r^ett (SBcrle, XXVII, iioff.) and is enacted, as it were, before our eyes, in Goethe's letters of the time. The letter of April 26, 1 768, to Behrisch, makes evident the manner of the ending of the relationship as lovers, apparently at Goethe's initiative, although he had his seasons of regret and melancholy even after his return to Frankfort, and was much distressed by the news of her engagement to Dr. Kanne, to whom she was later married. 1 ne exact date of com- position of the poem is unknown, but evidently falls in the days when the more intimate relations with Kathchen had ended or were about to end. First appeared in 2ei や jig" !2ieberbud), 1769, with the title Un6ejltSn« biglett; taken into @ ゆ riften, 1789, with changes and with present title. Likewise in the collection of tnederike Oeser, and evidently called iorth by his love-affair with Kathchen Schonkopf. 1. 7. Herffi^Ietfft, drag out, waste, 6* 2)er «6f ま, First appeared in @ ゆ rif ten, 1 789. There is no positive proof of an earlier origin than that indicated by the time of its first publication, although it is mentioned in (Sl^ronologte as belonging to 1770-71. Nevertheless the poem is now commonly as- signed to the year 1770, because of the name Franzchen in the fourth stanza, and on the ground of Goethe's letter from Saarbriicken on June 178 GOETHES GEDICHTE [Sel. 6 27, 1770, in which occur the words : @agen @ic nteinent grSi^j^m, bag idj nod^ immer ゆ r bin. l^abe jtc Die【 Ueb, unb idf firgertc mit^ oft, bag ftc mid^ fo tvenig gcnicrtc; man tDill gebunben fcin, tuenn man Ue6t. The Franrchen to whom the message was sent was Franziska Crespel, a mend of Goethe's sister. In the year and a half of Goethe's illness and convalescence at Frankfort, after his return from Leipzig, it is possible that an intimate but transitory love relation with Franziska sprang up, although it can not be proved. If we adopt this supposition, the poem was called forth by Goethe's departure in March to Strassburg to resume his studies. 1. 13. ^JSil^t^tttf not to be translated as a diminutive. The German diminutive is frequently used sportively, endearingly, or in other ways which make a literal translation absurd. If the poem was really ad- dressed to Franziska Crespel, the diminutive was probably caused here by the rime. 7» tBUnommeit unb Sif^ieb* First appeared in the periodical March, 1775; taken into ©d^rif ten, 1 789, with changes. This poem shows admirably the wonderful change that had taken place in Goethe's lyrics since the days at Leipzig. The influences brought to bear upon him at Strassburg were many and varied. Chief among them were the scenery and the life of Alsace, the intercourse with Her- der, the consequent better acquaintance with English literature and the German SSotf^lleb, his love for Friederike Brion. At Leipzig, as we have already seen, he was not free from subserviency to the lyric fashion of the times, he tried not infrequently to portray feelings which he had never experienced, he had not yet really learned to see nature. At Strassburg he mastered the art of making his lyrics the outpourings of his own experiences, the confessions of his inner life. Not the least among the strong influences of those months was the poet's glowing affection for Friederike Brion. His first visit to her home at Sesenheim was in October, 1770. He wrote to her on October 15, just after his return to Strassburg. A mutual affection seems to have sprung up at once. Goethe made two long visits at Sesenheim at Easter and Whitsuntide of 1 771, as we know by his letters to Salzmann at that time, and may have made several briefer ones previously. Sel. 7.] NOTES. 179 ^iQfomtnen unb ^bfd^teb was doubtless addressed to Friederike, but the exact date of its composition has been much in dispute, as Goethe's highly idealized account of the whole Sesenheim episode in 2) ゆ tung unb SQSal^rl^eit seems to make the chronology of the period hopelessly confused, and there is nothing in the poem to indicate the season of the year. The lovers have, it is true, reached the stage of tears, kisses, and mutual understanding of their love, but that might have come about in a few weeks or days. There is therefore no inherent improbability in any date after the first meeting in October. However, as Goethe seems to have ^iUfommen unb ^bf(^ieb in mind in describing in the eleventh book of ! Did^tung unb SBa り ゆ eU [SBcrfe, XXVIII, lo) a visit to Sesenheim at the beginning of one of the uni- versity vacations, it is probable that the poem originated then. The de- tails of the description apply to a time of year suitable to outdoor life, that is, to Easter or Whitsuntide. If poem and visit were thus associat- ed, the date of both must have been the beginning of the Easter vaca- tion, as the poem gives no hint of waning affection, and Goethe's letters to Salzmann show that he had begun at Whitsuntide to feel the uncer- tainties of his position and to question the wisdom of his love for Friede- rike. In 1771 Easter Sunday came on March 31. This may be re- garded as fixing approximately the date of the poem. "We may imagine Goethe at Strassburg when his heart bade him so imperiously to undertake in hot haste the journey to Sesenheim, some twenty-five miles distant, as the afternoon was already nearing its close. In the latter part of the first stanza and through the whole of the second he contrasts graphically the imagined terrors of the night with the con- fidence 01 his own love-filled heart. The third stanza describes the meet- ing of the lovers, and the fourth their parting on the morning of the next day. In the first publication in the periodical 3ri8 the last stanza read: 2)er ^bjc^ieb, me bcbrangt, toxe trftbe! ^uS beinen f&lxden bein や は 3, 3n bcincn l^ftffen meld^e fiiebe! D mettle 2Bonne, nteld^er ©d^mera! 2)u gingft; id^ jiunb unb fal^ aur (Srben Unb fa^ bir nac^ mit najfem SBUd: Unb bod^; roeii) ©liitf geliebt su tverben! Unb iiehen, (A$5tter, iveld^ ein 180 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel. 7-9. Here is not a word about departure on the next morning. The lover, who is about to leave, stands following with his eyes his sweetheart who is presumably going into the house after Didding him good-bye. This is probably what actually took place, but the later changes make the at- uation more effective and more natural. 8. 3Rit einem gemalten お onb* First appeared in the periodical January, 1775; taken into @(^riften, 1789. In 2)i(^tung unb 2Ba り ゆ eit (SBerIc, XXVIII, 32) Goethe tells of sending to t nederike such a ribbon decorated by himself and accom- panied by a poem. This poem is supposed to be the one to which be thus refers. It so, it was written in the spring of 1771. Whatever the time of their origin may be, the lines certainly give graceful expression to feelings such as he had at Sesenheim. As first published, there was an addiiional stanza between the present third and fourth, and the first two lines of the last stanza read : tRei が mir bcine liebc ^anb. 1. 12. gettUttg, instead of genug. 1. 14. ftCt, voluntarily^ of your own accord* First appeared in the periodical 3n8, January, 1775, with the title aWaifcfl; taken into ©d^riften, 1789. Assigned conjecturally to the spring of 1771, as Goethe, in writing to J. G. Jacobi, the editor of 3ri^, on December 1, 1774, speaks of send- ing to him some poems of earlier origin. As iU^ailieb was published in the next issue, it is supposed to be one of the poems meant, although it may have been written later. Goethe spent at least the latter part of May, 1 771, at Sesenheim, and the tone of the poem fits admirably into his life there. 1. 13. £ie6e, the abstract, not "the loved one ノ, 1. ig. S3IiltenbaitMlfr poetic for the fragrance of the flowers. Sel. 9, 10.] NOTES. 181 1. 21. 现 fibd^en, for this sudden transition in thought to his sweet- heart notice also the close of grU^jeitiger ^rii^Ung (Sel. 89). 10. (BtxtU ber f^ttc^ さ, fo gilt ber S3a(0. First appeared in ©d^riftcn, 1 789. Commonly assigned to the spring of 1771, although possibly of later origin. In ! S)id^tung unb 2Ba も ゆ ett (SBcrfe, XXVIII, 14, 21) Goethe speaks of the outdoor games played at Sesenheim, but such amusements were not unknown in the circle of his mends after his return to Frank- fort. Eckermann says (®ef^)rac^c, III, 172) : bad^te an bic gtii(f« lic^e 3cit be9 tjorigen 3cil^ ゆ unberts, in weldjt ®oct^c« 3ugcnb fiel; c« trat tnir bte ©ommerTuft t)on ©efcn^cim t)or Me @cele, unb xd^ mn* nertc t^n an bie ^crfc : 9la(^ SRittage fa^en toix 3u 零 3 9$o(I tm ^W^n. ゆ," fcufgtc ゆ e, „ba« njorcn frcilid^ fd^one 3citcn/' This seems to be a tacit acknowledgment that the poem onginated at Sesen- heim. In a letter of May 4, 1807, to his friend Zelter, who set to music so many of his poems, Goethe described the game as follows : TldXl nimmt dnen biinncn ©pan, obcr aud^ einen SBad^^flocf, giinbet tl^n an unb Idgt i^n cine Seitfang Brcnncn; benn blafl man bic glamntc njeg, bag bic ^oifit bletbt; bcnn fagt man fo eitig a(9 ntogUd^ baS @priic^cl» d^en: ©tirbt ber Sfu も fo gi(t bcr 95alfl, Sebt cr lang, fo toixh ex alt, Cebt er, fo lebt er, Stirbt ex, fo jlirbt ex. SJlan begrabt i^n ntc^t mtt ber る aut, ^aS gereid^t il^m jur ほ も re. 9hm giebt man bic glimmcnbc が gefd^minb bent ^ad^hav in bte ©anb, ber ba«fclbtgc き fe 称 it njtcbcrl^olcn mug; unb tms ge^t fo lange fort, hi9 bic ^ol^Ie bci cinem auSUfd^t, ber bcnn cin ^fanb geben mug. 1. 21. ^atff^te ^Uf aads the meaning away, repeatedly. 182 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel. 11, 12. 11. Slinbe SUM. First appeared in ©d^riften, 1789. Commonly assigned to the year 1771 but with less of evidence than in the case of the two poems preceding. The game is blindman's buff. 1. 2. toanbelt ♦ ♦ ♦ {td^, changes. Therese caught him when blind- folded. When her eyes were unbandaged, she was vexed to discover whom she had caught. 、 1. 17. Xtftbctl, used here in double sense; gloom, 12. る eibenrS さ leitt* As given here ^etbenro^Iein first appeared in Goethe's @ ゆ rifteil, 1789. i\Dout his claim to the authorship of the present version there can therefore be no doubt, but much controversy has arisen concerning an earlier version, and no generally accepted result has yet been reached. In 1773 Herder published in his S5on bcutfd^er %X\ unb ^Uttfl a poem with the title gabetUeb ゆ en, which is evidently only another version of ^etbcnrb^lem, although differing from it in many details. For example, the last stanza runs : 3ebo4i ber tDitbe llnabe bra も S)a§ Sd&SIdn, u. f. » 2)a§ 9l5§lcin iDCl^rte {t4i unb fia め, ^ttber cr toerga お barnac^ 35cim @enu^ baS Setben ! 9l5§Icin, u. f. tD. With slight changes this version was reprinted in 1779 in Herder's お Ol お Ueber. Herder implies in 1774 and says expressly in 1779 that the poem was orally transmitted to him. It was not one of the S^olf^Iiebct sent by Goethe to Herder after his return to Frankfort from Strassburg, and the most reasonable conclusion therefore is that Goethe was the author of the version of 1773; further, either that Herder was mystify- ing the public or had himself forgotten the origin of the poem, or that Goethe recited it to Herder at Strassburg and that the latter took it for a SBolf^Ucb. The last of these suppositions is the most probable. In his younger days Goethe was rather fond of mystifying his friends and the public. Sel. 12-14.] NOTES. 183 ^eibenr59(ein is apparently based upon a poem in a collection pub- lished by Paul von der Aelst in the year 1602. Herder knew the collection and probably Goethe also, although he may have become acquainted with the older poem in some other way. 13, 胸 ennerKeb* First appeared in von Einsiedel,s play ^bolar unb る Uaria, 1784; taken into SBerle, 1815. The poem originated as part of the first version of Goethe's drama 3)ie @ef ゆ id^te ©ottfrtebenS tjoit ^erlic^ingen and belongs therefore to the latter part of 1771. This first version of the drama was not published until after Goethe's death. In the revision, which appeared in 1773, the poem was omitted. As first written, the poem was to be sung by an old gypsy woman, the other women joining in the chorus. The verb of the first stanza was 1^0 ビ, not り 5rte, and therefore referred to the night on which the song was sung. Then the gypsy proceeded, as if the stormy night had re- minded her of a former event, with the words, Tltin Tlawn, hex fd^og cin' お, am 3aint, and told of the visit of the seven women to her to take vengeance for the deed of her husband. As it now stands, the whole refers solely to the man. The poem has both gained and lost by the changes. The first stanza now appears to have no sort of con- nection with the following; on the other hand, the remaining stanzas are certainly benefitted by the alterations. As were-wolves (human beings in the form of wolves) the gypsy witches come to take revenge, but are compelled to flee at the calling of their names. 1. I. 9^e]6e(gerie{e(, drizzling mist. (Bowring.) 1. 25. liefen nnb l^eutten bnium, equivalent to liefcn l^eulenb botjon. 14. %tx SBattbrer* First published in ©ottinger iD'hifenalmauac^ auf bas 3a^r 1774; taken into @ ゆ riften, 1789, with changes. The poem was in existence in April, 1772, being mentioned in a letter to Herder by Caroline Flachsland, later Herder's wife. It be- longs therefore to Frankfort and apparently to the early months of 184 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel. U. 1772. As Goethe sent Caroline a copy in May from Wetzlar, the finish- ing touches may have been added at the latter place. The experiences upon which the poem is based seem to go back to the time at Strass- burg, called forth by the sight of old Roman remains in Alsace ゆ ゆ tung Ullb SBal^ ゆ eit, SBerfe, XXVII, 339). But it reflects something more than Goethe's personal experiences. It reveals him as influenced by a wide-spread movement of the times; we see in it the enthusiastic admirer of Goldsmith and of the poets of Greece and Rome. (See also notes to Sel. 60.) The SBonbrcr is one of the most finished and effective of all Goethe's achievements. Although the poem was written before he ever saw Italy, the scene must be conceived as Italian. The wanderer, who is at least an enthusiastic lover of art, if not an artist, comes as evening draws near, to the spot where the young mother and the babe are, begs for permission to rest there for a time, and doubtless intends to ask presently about the road to his destination. All the rest is made clear in the poem, as it proceeds step by step. 1. 2. faugenbett, instead of faugenben. 1. 8. In her simplicity the women takes him for some sort of trades- man. 1. 16. iiiffi, as first printed, fd^miil. The latter word was intended to justify his request for a annk and was for that reason quite natural. Goethe's later experience with the climate of Italy doubtless led to the change to ffl りし 1. 1 8. blTiItt さ, relative, with the same meaning as tvorait^. Notice also brttt, 1. 23. 1. 32. ]6i(bettber &tX)i, fashioning spirit (Bo wring) . 1. 35. ^ttffi^rtft, that is, to some divinity. The next three lines were originally : 2)cr SBenuS 一 unb il^r iibriflen ©cib t)"tof め en, SBegoetuanbelt, tl^r ©efpielen. 1. 39. 现 eift はさ, the one who made the inscription or had it made. 1. 57. @ettitt さ, the spirit of art, or possibly the soul of the architect of the ruined temple. Bo wring translates : " Thou dost hover O'er thy grave, all glowinfir, Genius." Sel. 14^16.] NOTES. 185 1. 67. A pair of columns and one isolated column alone are left standing. 1. 87. ほさ tft fiil^I, originally, る ier i(l fillet, contrasting with the heat lower down. 1. 90. Addressed to the child. 1. 107. ©efegtte ,さ @ott* The mother hears the wanderer's good wishes for the child and therefore utters these words; say, God grant it 1. 1 10. He declines the proffered bread. 1. 148. G^tttttfl, Goethe gives to the poem a definite place by the mention of this name. Cumse was a very old し reek settlement in Italy, the ruins of which still exist. In 1831, Mendelssohn, who did not know of the early origin of the poem, believed that he had found in Italy the place which Goethe meant. This led Goethe to say to Zelter in his letter of May 7, 183 1 : 2)a« ifl ber SSortell be9 SHd^terS, bag er ba9 t)orau« a^nt unb njcrt り fitt, nmS ber bic SSirflid^feit ©ud^enbc, iDcnu er t% im 2)ofein finbct unb crfcnnct, bo^^elt lieBcn unb l^oc^Ud^ boran fld^ crfrcuen mug. 1. 163. る fttte, 3m ©d^tuffc blc ^ollcnbung bed funflkrtjd^cn 2)a- fcin« burd^ eine ^au^Ud^fett, , . , cntfprcd^cnb bent ^flttcnibcal ber 3cit. (von Loeper.) 15, $at aKe さ feme 3eU* First ap|)eared in HirzePs お riefe t)on ©octl^c an ]^ett)ettfc^e grcunbe, 1867, with the exception of the sixth line. These lines formed a part of Goethe's Concerto DramcUico which goes back at least to March, 1773, although never printed till 1869. On a rainy day of the Rhine journey of 1774 (see @ci(le§*@ru6, Sel. 19), Goethe quoted them to Lavater, in whose diary they were preserved. The whole is probably based on some folk-rime. For the general theme see Ecclesiastes 111, 1-8. It may be said in passing that Goethe was exceedingly well versed in the Bible, as numberless passages in his writings show. 16» ^tlettattt unb ^ttiler. First appeared in 2)cr bcutfc^e, fonft SSotlb^berfcr お Ote, October, 1773, with the title S)a さ ゆ Iti さ; taken into SBcrfc, 1815, with slight changes and with present title. 186 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel. 16-18. The writing of the lines possibly preceded their publication by several months. Goethe was in those days not free from sensitiveness to ad- verse criticism. In his ^bler Utlb £aube and in 9Jeccnfcnt, which belong to about the same period as ! S)i(ettant unb ^ritifcr, he also shows bitterness of feeling towards his critics. It has been sugp^ested that it is not improbable that Herder's sharp arraignment of @5 お in its first form (see Goethe's letter of July, 1772), was the chief source of Goethe's irritation at this time. The present title does not give accur- ately the idea of the contents of the poem. 1. 15. &tf^t ♦ ♦ ♦ geratett, and $>tt . . . uid^t (L 20), and the word ^iff^thntt (1. 21) are spoken by the fox. ®el)t tOO^I an, does toler- ably well. 1. 17. geratett, turn out 1. 20. fd^toinget md^t, fe^tt ber ©d^toung. (Sander's SBortcrbud^.) First appeared in the periodical 3ri^, March, 1775, as part of @rU)tn unb (Stmire, etn ©d^aufpiel mit @efang ; taken as a separate poem into S^eiic (j^riftcn, 180a The poem was known to the Jacob は early in 1774 (or possibly in 1773, the year being in dispute. See Bergk,s Slc^t Sicber わ on @oe ゆ e, p. 15). In the absence of positive information concerning the time of the first work on @rlt)in unb ほ lltlire, Bergk,s suggestion of an in- dependent origin of the poem has some justification. Goethe certainly did on various occasions incorporate older materials into later work, ^etbenrbdlem and ! Da 9 ^eUd^en have a striking resemblance to each other in spite of the contrasted demeanor of rose and violet. The theme of ! Da9 ^eild^en is the utter self-abnegation of love. 1. 12. matt is here factitive, pressed 一 till I am, etc. 18. '$>er ^i^ntg in X^ule* First appeared in von Seckendorff's お ol お- unb anbere ? icber, 1782, then in revised form in gaufi fragment, 1 789 ; taken as a separate poem into SfltVLt @c^riftcn, 1800. A copy by Herder gives older readings than those of the first publi- Sel. 18, 19.] NOTES. 187 cation. The poem was recited by Goethe on the Rhine journey in the summer of 1774, and doubtless originated at the time of the work on the earliest scenes of gauji in 1773 or 1774. The theme is of love en- during till death and showing itself in the treasuring above all posses- sions of the last gift of the dying sweetheart. 1. X. Xl)tt(e, the most northern part of Europe according to the ancients. Here merely a fabulous and distant land. 1. 5. ほさ gtng t^m ttid^ お haxfihtt, he valued it more than anything else, 1. 12. Jttgietfi^, lit" "at the same time as," or " together with" (his other possessions) ; say, bui. 19. @eifte さ- @rtt6* First appeared in @d^riften, 1789. As is related in the 14th book of ! S)ic^tung unb SBa り ゆ eit, the Swiss clergyman and physiognomist Lavater and the pedagogical reformer Basedow visited Goethe, a few days apart, at Frankfort, in the summer of 1774. A little later the three came together at Ems, and from there presently made a trip down the Lahn and Rhine to Cologne and Diis- seldorf, where Goethe met the brothers Jacobi. The journey was full of intellectual stimulus for the young poet. In connection with the experiences of this summer Goethe says (SBcrfe, XXVIII, 284) : ほ in ®efut|l aber, ba« bei mtr gen^altig fiber* l^anb nal^m unb ftd^ ntd^t njunberfam genug iiugcrn fonnte, nmr bte (Smpftnbung bcr SScrgongcnl^ett unb ©egcnnjart in etnS: cine Slitf ゆ au- mtg, bic etnjas ®cf^)cn(lcrma6i0c« in bic ©egenmart brac^te. @ic i(l in Diclen meiner grogeren unb Hctnern ? (rbcitcn au^gebriicft unb xoxxXi im ^ebtd^t immer mol^It^atig. This poem illustrates what Goethe meant by the lines just quoted. He dictated it to Lavater on July 18, as their boat was going down the Lahn. It was called forth by the sight of the ruins of castle Lahneck. We must imagine the spirit of the former owner of the castle (bc^ ^elben eblcr @ei(l), standing on the tower, looking at the snip passing below and wishing it a successful journey (lOO^i gU fal^rcn). He too was once full of the vigor of life and en- joyed its pleasures. 1. 5. Setme, instead of @c^ne. 188 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel. 19-21. 1. lo. t^tthtfinV, say, wasted. Contrasted with the tumultuousness of the other half of his life (1. 9). 1. 12. immer %% on and on. See Sel. lo, note to 1. 21. First appeared in SBerfe, 1815. Like @eifk8-®ru6 this poem originated in July 18, 1774, but later in the day. Goethe tells of it in S)i ゆ tung unb SBa り ゆ eit(2Serfe, XXVIII, 280) : S)a« 3lnbenfeu an einen tDunbertid^en 2Birt«tifd^ in ^oblenj l^abe i ゆ in ^nuttc(t)erfcn aufbciwa^rt. . , , fafi gmifc^cn ? at^ater unb SafeboH) ; bcr erflc bc(e]^rtc eincn ? onbgcipUd^en fiber bie @e^cimnif[e bcr Offenbarung 3o り aitni さ, unb bcr anbere bentii^te fid^ t^ergebend, einem l^artnarfigcn 2^angmciflcr gu Benjcifcn, bag bie ! Eaufe ein tier- alteter unb filr unfcrc 3«itcn gar nic^t bered^netcr ©ebraud^ fei. Unb njic njir nun filrber nac^ f oin gogen, fd^vicb id^ in Irgcnb ctn Alburn: Unb, toic nad^ ほ mmaus, toeitcr ging'8, etc. 1. 3. る elf は, refers to Lavater, who was at that time vicar or diaco- nus at the SBaifenl^au 衡ゅ e in Zurich. 1. 4. etnen fd^ttmr き ett ®f 'he "bne ',r xxasHMc )t its 'irighi, aitfaou^ So^&bb las aavancea *he • 'pimoa hat Ilttdcr^ copr 'iactes- fmin r^r ^iKtAc* 、! toijrtafr, ri' nz). L 5. - ne "JBcicn^ Die nir ftnan^ j» contrastExi witft t&e Stpli^ tivr dllHm )t 乙 3y • he latter is nrait the Goatfet a&tn ays :<">cL and pmbxblv » ftexe. IL II, 12. jHTiermiiaf 'hese tiro .mca 's 'be ttmigbt timt omr cos- -^eptions >t *he -^ocia or ' u)d) are ail snd 'm 'jinBSii^existxistw&m&wv -, ee :n »ood .ica iiome mm. Thexeiorc the eaamgie of am: & x bod leads K "o ':)elieve 'n "hem- L 13. mfntjhfWi^ not "haisfa ', or "crneV, but miihatU ye&n^^ be- cause liike .liL Tlie thoufrht 'hat ail ')i nattnc's- apexxduns are for •he ♦^Til 3SL 'veil IS he り " :s mnputied in the next Ibie& L 26. F'lrttme too ic^ws her facvnis an the vroiiliy ami t&e m- vrorthy. L 33. ゅ1 W!,, ; rrazen, because undxaiigeable ami anbreakabk. Notice 3e« -^hfrnen Jfiaoend, Sei. 4^ I. r6. L 35. WlfetCtt £llfes]li# fitgifty ,》£ drcuii ■]/ our £xistzm:e- (Eov- ring つ レ 38. Unsiffili^ i.e- man diSos hmn the fiDrces of nahnc^ etc., in *hat he can discriininate between the good and the criL L 47. Wl€9 ' , , >f iWlligl^ ail that wtatders (tmd strays csnt msf fully hUnd, r Bo wring. リ U. 49-54. These line* amplify the tftovg&t akeaxfy e^ressed in 0. rr, l^, L お' iai fryfOr ク" な ム びが icaU, Fir<;t appeared in Goethe's novel, Stt^dnt せ rrft ? ゆ re, 1795; tak^m お a separate poem into fieiie Sc^riften, iSoo» with changes. Th" hftllarl lcff. L 60. MWifpi pari; txv き ffiarr BtMt luu^Iaffig. 一 Mdt, cin* }i«&r, $«i|Cira$ pi tlfftit, (DSntier.) L 65. lrWc% lefeiiii^ to hs dry jokes. L 6B. tSfiaiif^ (ml, '-駕 burbaroms mixture. L 71. ftiagcfkaft, instead of frtiigeflaltft IL 74-7^ As ii von Seckendorff woe soaring on high in intellectual flight and smgiz^ a song of his own conccming the dance of the spbezcsu L 7a. dPatiM ftal, in ecstatic lazimss, 1. 79. 3ini§ffw§^. Kail August was only eighteen when Goethe first went to W eimar. 1. 86. Tnc poet here addresses his former sell 1. 89. raf • • • to have iomeAing important in mind, • 1. 99. and held firmly by jntndship^s spell. U. 108-111. He here passes judgment upon some of his earlier achievements. The condemnation is perhaps too severe, but Goethe had entered into a new phase of life, and it was ever his wont to criticise harshly modes of thought which he had outgrown or laid aside. 1. 112. Referring to and possibly to others of his early works. 1. 117. In this inability to comport himself as he should, he probably refers to the impetuosity and lack of regard for conventions which marked his conduct in the first years at Weimar as well as at Frankfort. 1. 120. The following lines have reference, of course, to the duke as he was in the earlier period. 1. 123. engeS Sdjficffal, Le. fate restricted him to the narrow life of a ruler. As duke, he was not so free as other men to develop in his own way. 1. 125. The vagaries of the young duke often led Goethe to com- plain, although he recognized the underlying nobility of his character. I. Z26. A favorite idea with Goethe, that only what we conquer for ourselves by our own efforts, though it m'ay have been in our possession before, becomes really ours. II. X 40-151. The duke was in those years prone to go to extremes. No physical nsk was too great for him. His undue exertion often led tu complete exhaustion of body and soul. Sel. 55, 66.] NOTES. 215 1. 154. XvaUVH^ Evidently Goethe does not mean the same thing by this word here and in each of the two lines following. Here it is perhaps contrasted with fjalb tXtoa(S)t, merely in the sense of " half asleep," but it more probably means, half lost in gloomy brooding. In the next line it seems to refer to the anxiety of the young Goethe con- cerning the future of the duke. 1. 156. With these words the poet bids the vision disappear and he returns to the then present, the year 1783. %XWXVX means here, of course, only the vision. 1. 164. @e{!(!91, vision, 1. 166. He is now like a traveler who returns from foreign lands and recognizes the advantages of his own country. 1. 173. tier^tod^ttett, broken down. The mines at Umenau, which had been closed for many years, were opened again in the next year, but proved eventually unprofitable. This portion of Goethe's prophecy was therefore not actually fulfilled. 1. 179. See note to 1. 123. 56* 3tteigtmttg* The poem was written at Dingelstedt oh August 8, 1784. Goethe was then on his way to the Harz mountains and Brunswick, and being detained at Dingelstedt by an accident to the carriage, made use of the enforced leisure to write the poem. (See letter to Herder of August 8, 1 784.) The stanzas were originally intended to be the introduction to a long poem, SDie ©cl^cimniffc, which, however, remained unfinished. The 3liei0nung was first published in @d)riftcn, 1787, as an introduc- tion to the works of Goethe; in the edition of 1806 it was taken from this place and printed as part of 2)ie ©cl^eimniffc ; in 1815 it was, how- ever, restored to its position as introduction to the collected works, where it has since remained. As such an introduction it must be interpreted, the poet's own conception of his mission. The words, SSie ber Ibet fiel, bad)te id^ an ben ? tnfang meineS bidets. 2)ie 3bee bagu l^abe i ゆ ^icr im S^ate gcfunben, which occur in Goethe's letter of December 12, 1785, written to Frau von Stein from Jena, are generally regarded as referring to 3ufi9nun0. Accordingly the final impulse from which the poetic image arose, was given by the 216 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel. 66, 67, sight of die (fisohring mist in the valley of the Saale near Jena. It was not, howcTcr, the fiist time that such a scene had impressed him. He had ofasared the mist from his @arten^an9emad^t5 ト ftgten Ianb|(^aftUc^cn SStatox, nnb fiu^te ftc fo treu al9 moglic^ na あ ju- bUben; me^r obcr gelang mir, ft< bejfer gu fe^cn. • ♦ , unb tc^ tonnte bem ©c^merj nic^t fcinb toerben, bcr mir ben innern unb augem @inn in bem (S^rabe ju fd^arffn geeignet ttmr. This episode apparently called forth the poenu Sel. 65-68.] NOTES. 221 1. 3. grott grttttbiert, with a gray ground, 1. II. madyett, play, 1. 18. %t)^)^vSs^^ referring to the mist 1. 35. (afleten, gUize (put a semi-transparent color over another to modify the effect) • 1. 61 • %t\fi, %VL fommett, bcglnnt ©d^rittc madden, urn l^eranju* lommen, ober : itnb fommt l^eran, nmS in ber まり at mit gemeint fd^eint. (Grimm's SB5rterbud^.) Say, starts, 66* SBed^feKteb yxvx Sanae* First appeared in ©d^riftcil, 1789* The time of its composition and the occasion which called it forth are both unknown. 67* 9tt bte ほ tUfentte, First appeared in ©d^rif ten, 1 789. The time and occasion of its origin are unknown. Many conjectures have been made, assigning it to various periods from the early days at Frankfort to 1788, in October of which year the volume containing the poem was in the hands of the printer. Von Loeper has made the most attractive guess in bringing it into connection with a passage in Goethe's letter of Sept. 24, 1 778, to Frau von Stein, who was then away from Weimar : UbetaU fud^ id^ @ie, bcl る of, in 3 も rem ^auS unb im- tcr ben お Sumen, aud^ ol^ne e9 miffen, ge り, id^ Return unb fud^e nmg, unb enbltd^ ! ommt ,- l^eraug, bag @ic mlr fc^lcn. 68, おゆ e ま ttttg* First appeared in @d^riften, 1789. It is presumably of much earlier ongin than is indicated by the date of puolication, ' but no evidence as yet produced gives the slightest ground for fixing a date. The theme is the old question whether con- servatism or radicalism is the better, and the conclusion the old one that men are not alike. 1. 4. {td^ Jtt trei^en, to let himself drift, 11, 5-6. I.e. shall he take up a fixed abode or lead a wandering life ? 222 GOETHES GEDICHTE. [Sel, 69-71. 69* ほ ritmenntg* First published in ©(i^riften, 1789. Like the preceding Selection, presumably of much earlier origin, al- though no fact IS known which justifies giving a date to it. It is one of the best known of all Goethe's proverbial sayings. 70. 究 oMtiff^eS £teb. First appeared in Schiller's SD^ufenatmanad^ fflr bad Sal^r 1796; taken into ^tut ©C^rifteit, 1800. Goethe's interest in the aft air of the diamond necklace which had so much to do with the fate of the unhappy queen Marie Antoinette, and in the fortunes of the arch-swindler Cagliostro, led him to begin an opera, entitled S)ie ST^^fliftciertetl and dealing with the episode of the diamond necklace. We find it first mentioned in the letter to Kayser, written from Rome on August 14, 1787. Fragments of this opera, of which this poem was a part, have been preserved. Later he gave up the opera and wrote in its stead a play, 2)er @ro§' 货 Op 一, which was completed in the autumn of 1 791. The new title was due to the cir- cumstance that Cagliostro had pretended to revive an ancient Egyptian system of freemasonry, and had called himself, as head of it. Grand Cophta. The poem was not included in the play, and the exact time of its ongin cannot now be determined. From Goethe's ^nttaletl we know that it was set to music in 1 789. The sentiments uttered in the lines are intended to harmonize with the tone of the opera, rather than to express Goethe's personal convictions. 1. 5. ^Uttge, the pointer of scales of the type used by apothecaries must be thought of here. Unless the weights in the pans are equal, the pointer will, of course, move. 71* ほ tiigramme* 9ettebig, 1790, First appeared as a whole in Schiller's iUhifenalmanat^ fur bad 3a^r 1796; taken into 92eue @d^rlftcn, 1800, with the addition of one epi- gram, No. 5 of this collection. In the spring of 1790 Goethe tarried from March 31 to the latter Sel. 71.] NOTES 223 part of May in Venice, whither he had gone to meet the dowager duch- ess Amalia, then traveling in Italy, and to escort her back to Weimar. She did not arrive in Venice until May, and to pass the lime of waiting, among other occupations, he composed a number of epigrams. He mentions loo on May 4, in a letter to Herder's wife. The word S5cne* big in the title is therefore justified, as the epigrams were mostly written at Venice, although a few were of earlier and a few others of later date. This is the first of the collections of proverbs, epigrams, etc., which appear in Goethe*s works. It is true that some poems of this character may be found even at an early date in his career, but never- theless his fondness for this literary type increased with his years and with the waning of his creative poetical power. The sayings are often freighted with the rich experience and observations of his long life, but the lover of Goethe,s poetry may be pardoned, in view of their number and not infrequent dryness in later years, for preferring his achievements in other fields to them. In the so-called 9^dmtfd)e (Stegten, which, however, originated after his return from Italy, and in these Venetian epigrams, we see the influ- ence of Greek and Latin literature upon the form and content of Goethe's work perhaps at its hight. His obligation in the case of these two collections is not merely the general one that he was permeated with the spirit of classical literature, but the direct influence of two Latin writers is beyond question and has to be reckoned with in at- tempting to come to any proper understanding of this phase of Goethe's work. In the Roman elegies, from which no selection is given here, he was most directly under obligations to Propertius, while the Venetian epigrams reflect not less clearly his interest in Martial. The tone of the Venetian epigrams is, on the whole, sharp and often polemic. Some of the reasons for this are obvious. Goethe saw Italy with far different eyes in 1790 than in 1786. He was now more dis- posed to censure than to praise, as his letters from Venice show. . It be- came evident to him that he could not live away from his native land. Much of this aversion to Italy and affection for Germany arose from the circumstances of his domestic life. He had entered into his relations with Christiane Vulpius, for whom he had a sincere affection, and their first child, the only one to survive the period of infancy, had been born. i 224 GOETHES GEDICHTE [Sel. 71. He yearned for the home circle. And in addition to these reasons, the epigrams deal with the topics of the day in Italy, Germany, aod else- where, and he was far from beii^ in sympathy with many of the ten- dencies of the times. ' The motto was first inserted in the edition of 1815. 1. I. This epigram seems to have been called forth by the general xnisgovemment of the Italian states. See SeL 70, L 10. 1. 7. Evidently meaning Christiane. 1. II. IBieleil ^al' tdy tierfndyt, the truth of this is abundantly proved by the testimony of Goethe as well as of otfaeis. 1. 16. fd^tedfiefteit @toff«. What Goethe meant by ©toff has oc- casioned considerable controverey. Two of the conjectures are worthy of note : the first understanding in @toff the themes of the Venetian epigrams, the other the German language. The latter seems much the more reasonable. It is no new thing for a poet to complain of the dif- ficulties caused him by his native language. Goethe was probably thinking of the musical flow of Italian when he wrote the lines. See also 1. 66. L 17. This hearty tribute to Karl August first appeared in 9^eue @d^riften, 1800. In 1789 Goethe apparently prepared a poem in praise of Karl August, which he intended to place among his Roman elegies. (See his letters to the duke in May, 1 789.) It has been gen- erally supposed that thb poem was the one to which he referred. It may be, but the passage in his letter of April 15, 1790 to Herder, %tx\ ^ergog fytf>, id) cin« befonber* gefc^tdt ; bad (agt end) geigen, seems to confirm the opinion already advanced by Viehoff, that this poem really originated in Venice and belongs consequently among these Venetian epigrams. 1. 24. Karl August gave Goethe the ^arten^dudd^en and later also the house in Weimar where he lived so many years. 1. 28. heiafftt, possibly referring to the fact that @dt} t>on お erH« d^ingen was printed at his expense. At this time Goethe's works, owing to defective copyright laws, had not brought him much money. 1. 30. jerr&tteteit &aft, meaning 9B